BPMN Transformer


This is a utility that helps you transform and import any BPMN process into Appian, and export processes from Appian and convert them to the BPMN 2.0 standard.

  • Of the 6 plugins, 2 are no longer available in the App Market.  The Sort Utilities and the Zip Extractor plugins are not in the App Market.

    Do you have any idea where to get them so I can at least import the full application?

    Without them, several process models aren't imported which also leads to other cascading failures as well.

    If not, is there a way to force importing of all the objects where I can go into a process model and switch over to a different Zip extracting smart service from another plugin?

  • I see these dependencies. Do we need to download these dependencies separately to make this tool work or do they come with the tool?

    Name Alt Name Version
    DocumentZipper 1.2.4
    Sort Utilities 1.0.0
    SPEaR Power Tools 1.0.0
    Text File Utilities Text File Reader 2.0.0
    XML Tools Plugin XML Parser 1.0.6
    Zip Extractor Advanced Unzip 1.3.9

    Will this work on 24.4?

  • Hi,

    I am getting error while transforming bpmn with subprocesses. 

    An error occurred while evaluating expression: processXML:rule!B2_TransformSubprocess(
     processInfo: pv!processInfo,
     BPMNShapes: pv!allShapes,
     config:  pv!transformRecord['recordType!{4248fcc7-ab38-44e0-988d-0d6cb881a79a}B2 Transformation.relationships.{5edcc1b4-8e2e-4ece-a144-63ea452a62ad}b2Configuration'],
     uuid: spt_uuid_fromtext(pv!SubprocessID),
    ) (Expression evaluation error in rule 'b2_lanesdefinition' (called by rules 'b2_endingsection' > 'b2_transformsubprocess') at function 'sortdecimalarray' parameter 1 [line 7]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'y' of type String into type List of Variant) (Data Outputs)


  • readtextfromfile function is no longer available on AppMarket which this application uses. Any workarounds or other plugin with similar functionality?

  • Hi, I have tried this utility, and encountered the following issues during my first time import:

    - On the UI: Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 19e72:93754] in rule 'b2_cardtransformationlast' (called by rule 'b2_dashboard') : Invalid function a!addDateTime (not available as [])

    - In the process model:  An error occurred while evaluating expression: processXML:rule!B2_Transform(
     processMap: pv!process,
     config: pv!transformRecord['recordType!{4248fcc7-ab38-44e0-988d-0d6cb881a79a}B2 Transformation.relationships.{5edcc1b4-8e2e-4ece-a144-63ea452a62ad}b2Configuration'] ,
     BPMNDiagrams: pv!bpmnMap.definitions.BPMNDiagram,
     collaboration: pv!bpmnMap.definitions.collaboration,
    docName: pv!docName
    ) (Expression evaluation error in rule 'b2_transform' at function a!forEach [line 40]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 4: Expression evaluation error at function a!forEach [line 44]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error in rule 'b2_noderepinappian' at function 'tointeger' parameter 1 [line 43]: Invalid index (1) for list: valid range is empty) (Data Outputs)

    can you please have a look?
