Bundle Management


This application allows the end user to manage the bundles that support international application in multiple languages. As easy as uploading the bundle with one of the functionalities of the application, you will be able to perform a full maintenance of your bundles by searching, adding, modifying, deleting the literals for each language in a really intuitive way and creating, comparing, reviewing the bundles in order to have them always prepared for the new applications or functionalities you may add to your existing applications.


  • Search bundles by language and tags
  • Download and Upload new bundles from other applications
  • Clone and generate new bundles from other existing bundles
  • Control and compare your bundles and check for duplicates, obsoletes or differences between them


  • Add new literals to your bundles and optionally start a process for them to be verified by a native translator
  • Search your literals within your bundles by the key or the value

This application is also totally compatible with the bundles generated by the Application Translator Utility.
