The Groundswell Calendar Display, powered by ToastUI, gives designers the ability to quickly have a modern calendar display in their sites and dashboards with the simplicity of a single component. The dense, versatile display supports different calendar views with styling matching your site’s accent color. Example interfaces and utility rules are attached, which demonstrate usage and features of the component.
Key Features & Functionality
Would like to understand more on format of "events (List of Dictionary)"Documentation in the package explains few of the event properties.
But i could see below additional properties as part of selected event,
(For example we can set background color for an event using bgColor)
So, can someone help to explain/direct me to the documentation(if any) to understand how each property will work.
The examples in the provided documentation are the properties we considered most important for the first release, and the ones that we tested and tweaked as part of this release. However, as you noted, the underlying JS library does support more attributes. The full list and what they do is here: https://nhn.github.io/tui.calendar/latest/Schedule. Your results may vary, either style-wise or technically, based on which ones you want to apply as we did not test all these with the current version. If there are specific attributes you'd like to request us to officially incude in this component, let us know and we can put on our backlog.
Justin, thanks again! This will really help with my demo!
borderColor - this will also be added to the event helper next release
[id:2,calendarId:1,title:My Title,category:time,location:My Location,start:2023-02-22T19:00:00.000Z,end:2023-02-22T21:30:00.000Z,attendees:My attendees,body:My Body,bgColor:YELLOW,color:GREEN,borderColor:ORANGE]
Is there a way to change the color of the leftmost stripe in the image (the blue line left of Work)?
Color would be most color names, hex codes, or rgba() representation - similar to what is available in HTML/CSS. I would refer to this for user-friendly color names available: (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colornames.asp)
Adding the additional information to the helper/documentation is queued up but there is an existing release in review by Appian right now, so these updates will have to wait on that to be completed. Would estimate early March but exact time is completely dependent on Appian Engineering.
Justin I really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly! What is the list of relevant colors? When do you plan on adding this to CDT helper and documentation?
These options should work now, they just aren't in the helper CDT if you are using that. Example: