The Groundswell Calendar Display, powered by ToastUI, gives designers the ability to quickly have a modern calendar display in their sites and dashboards with the simplicity of a single component. The dense, versatile display supports different calendar views with styling matching your site’s accent color. Example interfaces and utility rules are attached, which demonstrate usage and features of the component.
Key Features & Functionality
This is released
would be to add the 'startDayOfWeek' parameter which is in the ToastUI component itself: nhn.github.io/.../CalendarCore
Could you add a parameter to choose which day of the week the calendar starts on? In Spain the calendar starts from Monday to Sunday, instead of Sunday to Saturday
Hi, here is the translation for Portuguese and Polish, I'll be very grateful if you can add them to the plugin in a future version. I've replaced the special chars for the unicode value, if you need the original text I can provided it. Thank you so much!
'pt' : {month0: 'Janeiro',month1: 'Fevereiro',month2: 'Mar\u00e7o',month3: 'Abril',month4: 'Maio',month5: 'Junho',month6: 'Julho',month7: 'Agosto',month8: 'Setembro',month9: 'Outubro',month10: 'Novembro',month11: 'Dezembro',day0: 'Dom',day1: 'Seg',day2: 'Ter\u00e7',day3: 'Qua',day4: 'Qui',day5: 'Sex',day6: 'S\u00e1b',allDay:'Todo o dia',milestone:'Marco',task:'Tarefa',detailAttendees: 'Participantes: ',detailLocation: 'Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o: ',detailRecurrence: 'Recorr\u00eancia: ',validationView:'Vista inv\u00e1lida selecionada. As vistas v\u00e1lidas s\u00e3o "DAY","WEEK","MONTH"',validationWeekend:'Vista de fim de semana inv\u00e1lida selecionada. As vistas v\u00e1lidas s\u00e3o "FULL","NARROW","NONE"',validationVisibleWeeks:'As semanas vis\u00edveis t\u00eam de ser superiores a 0'}
'pl' : {month0: 'Stycze\u0144',month1: 'Luty',month2: 'Marzec',month3: 'Kwiecie\u0144',month4: 'Maj',month5: 'Czerwiec',month6: 'Lipiec',month7: 'Sierpie\u0144',month8: 'Wrzesie\u0144',month9: 'Pa\u017Adziernik',month10: 'Listopad',month11: 'Grudzie\u0144',day0: 'Niedz',day1: 'Pon',day2: 'Wt',day3: '\u015Ar',day4: 'Czw',day5: 'Pt',day6: 'Sob',allDay:'Ca\u0142y dzie\u0144',milestone:'Milestone',task:'Zadanie',detailAttendees: 'Uczestnicy: ',detailLocation: 'Lokalizacja: ',detailRecurrence: 'Powtarzalno\u015B\u0107: ',validationView:'Wybrano nieprawid\u0142owy widok. Prawid\u0142owe widoki to "DAY","WEEK","MONTH"',validationWeekend:'Wybrano nieprawid\u0142owy widok weekendu. Prawid\u0142owe widoki to "FULL","NARROW","NONE"',validationVisibleWeeks:'Widoczne tygodnie musz\u0105 by\u0107 wi\u0119ksze ni\u017C 0'}
This issue has been addressed in the latest update. Please note, this is not full Arabic support, but rather ensuring the calendar does not break for this language.
sergiob0004 I prefer adding full localization support vs adding parameters. I don't speak those languages, so if your team has the capability to provide translations, I'd be happy to include them in the product roadmap.
Here is the en-US template:
'en-US' : { month0: 'January',month1: 'February', month2: 'March',month3: 'April', month4: 'May',month5: 'June', month6: 'July', month7: 'August', month8: 'September', month9: 'October', month10: 'November', month11: 'December', day0: 'Sun', day1: 'Mon', day2: 'Tues', day3: 'Wed', day4: 'Thurs', day5: 'Fri', day6: 'Sat', allDay:'All Day', milestone:'Milestone', task:'Task', detailAttendees: 'Attendees: ', detailLocation: 'Location: ', detailRecurrence: 'Recurrence: ', validationView:'Invalid View Selected. Valid views are "DAY","WEEK","MONTH"', validationWeekend:'Invalid Weekend View Selected. Valid views are "FULL","NARROW","NONE"', validationVisibleWeeks:'Visible weeks must be greater than 0'}
Hi, will it be considered the suggestion I made of adding two more parameters to provide custom translations for months and days? If not, could be added the translation for Polish and Portuguese in a future update? Thanks!
As Arabic is currently an unsupported language, and it is a large effort to ensure effective RTL support, the immediate update I can provide is ensuring it loads properly with a default locale of en-US. The result will look like the following:
This will be submitted to Appian in the coming days.
The same issue appears (NAN) for Arabic Interfaces,
Can you please fix it?