The Groundswell Calendar Display, powered by ToastUI, gives designers the ability to quickly have a modern calendar display in their sites and dashboards with the simplicity of a single component. The dense, versatile display supports different calendar views with styling matching your site’s accent color. Example interfaces and utility rules are attached, which demonstrate usage and features of the component.
Key Features & Functionality
Hi Justin,
Thanks again for your support.
I tried in an incognito. It doesn't work.
I look forward to your reply!
I've run the same test with all available versions and am getting successful results (attaching that SAIL here as well):
Given the NaN error, I'm thinking something unexpected is happening in the JS files itself, likely a cache error. So to start, can you please try clearing browser cache or accessing this interface incognito to see if that works better?
If not, then I'll need any Console errors from Chrome's Dev Tools (F12) , like below:
a!localVariables( local!events: { a!map( id: 15, calendarId: 1, title: "El Farolito de Calahorra", category: "time", location: "La Cabina - Madrid", attendees: "SALVADOR ESTR" & fn!char(193) & "N GEA", body: "Status: Confirmada", start: "2023-08-25T10:30:00.000Z", end: "2023-08-25T12:00:00.000Z" ), a!map( id: 16, calendarId: 1, title: "El Farolito de Calahorra", category: "time", location: "La Cabina - Madrid", attendees: "JUAN BARBADILLO CLABBURN", body: "Status: Rechazada", start: "2023-08-25:00:00.000Z", end: "2023-08-25T12:30:00.000Z" ) }, a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents:{ calendarDisplayField_v3( dateContext: today(), viewType: "DAY", events: local!events ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents:{ calendarDisplayField_v4( dateContext: today(), viewType: "DAY", events: local!events ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents:{ calendarDisplayField_v5( dateContext: today(), viewType: "DAY", events: local!events ) } ) } ) )
Hi! Thanks for your response.
It doesn't wrok with the lastest version. It only works with v2.
I have 23.2 cloud version
Unfortunately, I can't replicate the issue; I was successfully with the following. I created a simple test interface with your date (altered to today's today). Hopefully this helps.
I am having trouble displaying two events on the same day, in a calendar of type DAY.
Can you help me?
My events:
{a!map(id: 15, calendarId: 1, title: "El Farolito de Calahorra", category: "time", location: "La Cabina - Madrid", attendees: "SALVADOR ESTR" & fn!char(193) & "N GEA", body: "Status: Confirmada", start: "2023-03-27T10:30:00.000Z", end: "2023-03-27T12:00:00.000Z"), a!map(id: 16, calendarId: 1, title: "El Farolito de Calahorra", category: "time", location: "La Cabina - Madrid", attendees: "JUAN BARBADILLO CLABBURN", body: "Status: Rechazada", start: "2023-03-27T12:00:00.000Z", end: "2023-03-27T12:30:00.000Z")}
It seems the zip uploaded is not signed version, it throws the following error at installing:
Failed to load Plug-in 'com.groundswellcg.plugins.toastCalendar' (com.groundswellcg.plugins.toastCalendar) version 0.0: 'Component plug-in approval verification failed. Please contact Appian for approval process'
thank you so much!
Miriam this has been submitted as v5 of the component. I expect that will be released by next week.