This plug-in aims to make it much easier and faster to generate color schemes for great looking SAIL Interfaces based on a single color, greatly speeding up development time. Color Tools provides 3 categories of functions.
First, there are 5 pairs of functions for converting to/from hexadecimal colors (e.g. #000000) and arrays of Decimals representing the component values of 5 different color spaces (RGB, HSL, HsV/HSB, CIELAB, CIELCH, and HSLuv).
Second, are 4 helper functions to quickly lighten/darken, or saturate/desaturate hexadecimal colors.
Finally there are functions to generate 12 different types of color schemes based on a single starting color (e.g. a primary corporate color). These schemes can be used for card backgrounds, custom chart color schemes, rich text, etc. with a goal of all colors being distinct, yet similar and complementary to the starting color.
Be sure to download the companion application from the Appian Community AppMarket for example usage and a few useful Expression Rules.