Communication Chat


The customer requires to build in Appian an integration with WhatsApp Business to receive and send messages between bank clients and the bank executive to solve questions about products, mortgages, doubts, claims, etc. The messages of the conversation would be displayed in an interactive chat implemented in Appian.

The Appian solution is based in three modules:

  1. List of conversations (left side) - Appian
  2. Interactive chat where the messages are displayed (right side) - Plugin Component
  3. Input field to write the response message (bottom) – Appian

The plugin component is allowing some basic behavior which are expected in a chat as: set the scroll on a specific position: for example, on the bottom when you click a conversation or when you write a new message, or on a specific and dynamic position when you have pending messages to read.
See the readme document to learn how to use it.

Key Features & Functionality

The plugin is intended to provide an interactive chat where the messages received are displayed following the “standard” behaviors that we know in the main modern tools.

The plugin would have the following parameters:

  • selectedChat: Chat/conversation selected by the user.
  • messagesData: List of messages (paged) that it will be displayed.
  • batchSize: Current batch size value.
  • batchSizebyDefault: Batch size by default.
  • totalCount: Total Count of messages (not only the messages of the batch retrieved).
  • ownPhoneNumber: The phone number related to the Whatsapp Business Account or other.
  • appianEventType: The event type saved in Appian interface. The plugin component will change the behavior based on it. Options: "event_newMessage", "event_selectedChat" o "event_selectedChatWithMessagesNotRead".
  • pluginEventType: The event type saved in the plugin interface. The Appian interface will change the behavior based on it. Option: “event_loadingPreviuosMessages” and "event_selectedMessage".
  • controlValue: Text to identify if the control is managed by the plugin or Appian.
  • messageByDefaultForPendingMessages: Text to display when there are messages pending to read.
  • Language: Used to format the dates displayed in the messages. Options: “es_ES” or “en_US”.
  • containerBackgroundColor: Background color for the main container. Default: #FFFFFF
  • colorOwnMessages: Background color for own messages. Default: #DCF8C6
  • colorOwnSelectedMessages: Background color for the border in the own selected messages.
  • colorExtMessages: Background color for external messages. Default: #FFFFC4
  • colorExtSelectedMessages: Background color for the border in the external selected messages.
  • colorHorizontalBar: Background color for the horizontal bar displayed when there are pending messages to read.
  • selectableMessages: Flag (true/false) to enable/disable the messages selection functionality.
  • selectedMessage: Message Id saved when a message is selected.
  • Hi , Can anyone please elaborate about this more , the data provided and document doesnt explain about the plugin much , we are not sure how we should save our data first in db and not sure how this works , if anyone ever worked on it please explain about it

  • v1.0.2 Release Notes
    • Minor fix: Added <support supported="false"/>

  • v1.0.2 Release Notes
    • There are no changes in the code. That's the reason why the plug-in version is not changing.
    • The new version is submitted to change the plugin component from paid to free and also add additional documents and examples and instructions for using it.

  • v1.0.2 Release Notes
    Added three new parameters to provide more flexibility:
    • containerHeight: Container height for the interactive chat (default 600px)
    • fontSize: Font Size for the text displayed in the interactive chat (default 0.9em)
    • maxWidth: Max width for the messages displayed in the interactive chat (default 75%)

  • v1.0.1 Release Notes
    • New functionalities:
    • Messages can be selected (saving the message id). This functionality can be enable/disable with a new parameter.
    • The plugin is now supporting format (bold, italics and cross out) if the message is built following a pattern (bold -> *word*, italics -> _word_ , cross-out -> ~word~)
    • Container background color can be changed using a new parameter.
    • Border colors when message selection is enable can be changed using two new parameters.