Create & Read Email Files Utilities

Use Case Details

This Plug-in contains Functions and Smart Services that allow users to create and read email files containing all e-mail attributes, i.e. to, cc, bcc, from, subject, body, content type, and attachments. The generated file can be read by any email client that supports EML files, such as Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail. The Plug-in and a help guide are provided with this listing.

This version is for Appian 22.3 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 22.2 and lower version by downloading from the app market.

Features & Functionality

Smart Services:

  • Creating EML File: Create Eml File
  • Reading EML File: Read Eml File


  • Creates Email files/documents that can be read on all email clients supporting eml files.
  • Reads all email files to extract all email-related attributes such as to, cc, bcc, subject, body, attachments, content type.
  • Hi Michael,

    we have retest the case and the plugin is not able extract a attach to eml that is another eml (this is a standard behaviur of the Mail Cerificate)POSTA CERTIFICATA_ Prova (5).eml

    the rule return:

    fn!reademlfile (

    {"cc":[],"sentDate":"11\/5\/2022 9:42 PM","bcc":[],"attachments":[],"subject":"POSTA CERTIFICATA: Prova","from":"\"Per conto di:\" <>","documentName":"POSTA CERTIFICATA_ Prova (5)","to":["devstornimef <>"],"saveInto":25022,"body":"jakarta.mail.internet.MimeMultipart@2d79ec40","contentType":"multipart\/mixed; boundary=\"----------=_1667684521-193827-712\""}.

    Could you help us?



  • Hi  ,

    I am also facing this issue now. Is this issue resolved for you?

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