Cucumber For Appian


Test your Appian application within minutes with methods created specifically to operate within Appian applications and Tempo!

Common test case scenarios can be created for reusability throughout test suites. A CheatSheet.feature file that lists out all the supported methods and how to invoke them using the @Given, @When, @Then, @But, @And, and other Cucumber-supported annotation.

Note: Java 11 required for plugin version 23.4

Key Features & Functionality

With Cucumber for Appian:

  • Test scripts don't need to be updated for upgrades to supported Appian versions
  • Appian design knowledge is not required to create test scripts
  • Test scripts are easily updated for new UI changes to a form or interface
  • All of the same methods that FitNesse For Appian currently supports are supported
  • Multiple browsers are supported (Chrome v. 64-66 and Firefox v. 53-62)
  • Can anyone suggest where to look for this kind of release notes which can actually convey to us about the locators change.

  • Hi, I am using new version 23.2.1 and can not access related actions.

    Previously I was able to access it via clickMenu() but not it doesn't work in new version. So I tried different approaches - clickActions, clickRecord and clickLInk, clickRelatedActions  and other- no luck.

    I click on site page "SITE_PAGE" isn't applicable here 

    Any suggestions how it can be solved?

  • the problem seems to be on the new feature that changes the number of items in the menu from 5 to 10. now, there is a hidden div, and the original one. so the selector returns 2 elements instead of one. 

    the solution appian gave is to change the statement

    from :

    "Click on menu"


    I click on site page "SITE_PAGE"

  • the problem seems to be on the new feature that changes the number of items in the menu from 5 to 10. now, there is a hidden div, and the original one. so the selector returns 2 elements instead of one. 

    the solution appian gave is to change the statement

    from :

    "Click on menu"


    I click on site page "SITE_PAGE"

  • the problem seems to be on the new feature that changes the number of items in the menu from 5 to 10. now, there is a hidden div, and the original one. so the selector returns 2 elements instead of one. 

    the solution appian gave is to change the statement

    from :

    "Click on menu"


    I click on site page "SITE_PAGE"

  • Hi,

    If your Cucumber script does not specify that the Appian version is 23.2, you will receive this error upon login due to changes in the XPATH and HTML structure in 23.2.

    If you continue to experience this issue after specifying the Appian version as 23.2 in your testing script, please open a support case with an example test script that reproduces the issue so that we can review further.

  • Hi there, 

    We are being affected by this issue as well.

    Has anyone implemented a resolution or workaround?


  • Yes , this affecting our execution also

  • We are experiencing an issue similar to the one mentioned on the Selenium plugin page after upgrading to 23.2. Should this have been fixed with the recent v23.2.1 release of the Cucumber for Appian plugin?

    2023-06-21 00:24:13,082 [main] ERROR - Logout link
    org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//a[contains(@aria-label,'Open user options menu')]"}
    (Session info: chrome=114.0.5735.133)
    For documentation on this error, please visit:
    Build info: version: '4.8.2', revision: '826dbfc730'
    System info: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '5.15.0-75-generic', java.version: '11.0.17'
    Driver info:
    Command: [28729057c2c5c3c9e3692190e91dd527, findElement {using=xpath, value=//a[contains(@aria-label,'Open user options menu')]}]

  • v23.2.1 Release Notes
    • Bug Fixes
    • Update pickers to recognize selections with links (e.g. Record Pickers)