Cucumber For Appian


Test your Appian application within minutes with methods created specifically to operate within Appian applications and Tempo!

Common test case scenarios can be created for reusability throughout test suites. A CheatSheet.feature file that lists out all the supported methods and how to invoke them using the @Given, @When, @Then, @But, @And, and other Cucumber-supported annotation.

Note: Java 11 required for plugin version 23.4

Key Features & Functionality

With Cucumber for Appian:

  • Test scripts don't need to be updated for upgrades to supported Appian versions
  • Appian design knowledge is not required to create test scripts
  • Test scripts are easily updated for new UI changes to a form or interface
  • All of the same methods that FitNesse For Appian currently supports are supported
  • Multiple browsers are supported (Chrome v. 64-66 and Firefox v. 53-62)
  • v23.2 Release Notes
    • Enhancements
    • Supports Appian version 23.2

  • Thanks for the answer Satheesh.

    I'm not facing this issue in version 23.1, but I'm curious to know in which file I can add the chrome Options? I know we can do it in a custom java file and open the browser from there, but in that case will we be able to use the cucumber commands provided by Appian?

  • v23.1.2 Release Notes
    • Bug Fixes
    • Fixes an issue in FitNesse where VerifyText did not work on a multi-node component
    • Fixes an issue where Dropdowns with Search were not working

  • Post 23.1 upgrade, old locators for dropdown class is not working for us. Does any one else facing the issue with older locators? is there any way that we can make older one compatible too?

    Examples on how we are using it previously - 

    Locator: (//*[contains(text(),'Valuation Report Type')])[1]/ancestor::*[contains(@class,'FieldLayout---field_layout FieldLayout---margin_below_none FieldLayout---margin_above_none FieldLayout---inSideBySideItem')]/descendant::*[@role='listbox']

    Locator: //div[contains(@class,'Dropdown')][@role='listbox']

  • v23.1.1 Release Notes

  • yes,  Chrome driver 111 we need to  add  additional argument or else we need downgrade he chrome version in our local


    Satheesh Kannan 

  • Hi Team,

          I am facing "org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.ConnectionFailedException" error when invoking command "Given I setup with "CHROME" browser" in cucumber-for-appian versions 22.4 and 23.1 and and chrome version "111.0.5563.65 (64-bit)". I also checked using ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.64, but got the same error. I'm using AWS windows 10 machine. 

    Error message: org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.ConnectionFailedException: Unable to establish websocket connection to <my-local-host-details>

  • Hi Team,

    Is there anyway I can get rid of the DEBUG statements, it takes lot of digging to find the actual issue. Any help of this will be appreciated.

    15:06:22.699 [AsyncHttpClient-1-6] DEBUG - Closing Channel [id: 0x352261bf, L:/ - R:localhost/]
    15:06:22.699 [AsyncHttpClient-1-6] DEBUG org.asynchttpclient.netty.handler.HttpHandler - Channel Closed: [id: 0x352261bf, L:/ ! R:localhost/] with attribute DISCARD
    15:06:22.704 [AsyncHttpClient-1-7] DEBUG - Using new Channel '[id: 0xb5d60450, L:/ - R:localhost/]' for 'POST' to '/session/38b062eefaf139bb0d755dcb873de4f4/element'
    15:06:23.097 [AsyncHttpClient-1-7] DEBUG org.asynchttpclient.netty.handler.HttpHandler -


    Chandrakant Raju C

  • v23.1Release Notes
    • Enhancements
    • Supports Appian version 23.1
    • Updated locator for Dropdown class
    • Bug Fixes
    • Update CVEs
    • Update scripts (start.bat,,, to
    reference the new fitnesse-20221219-standalone.jar

  • the latest version v22.4 seems to have a bug; 

    The object identification fails for drop-down.

    On New version 22.4 the element definition for dropdown is as below;

    <span id="9d114c989f45ddbdab069168cd461dae_value_span">Value</span>

    .Whereas for older version of appian the definition was as below;

    <span id="4c85c14d61e4e58a2a354fc2a6e88f8d_selectedChoice" class="DropdownWidget---accessibilityhidden">Corporate</span>

    the newest version (v22.4) of cucumber tries to find the object with the following Xpath;

    //span[contains(@class, 'DropdownWidget---accessibilityhidden')]" 

    This works on older version on newer version it fails