Test your Appian application within minutes with methods created specifically to operate within Appian applications and Tempo!
Common test case scenarios can be created for reusability throughout test suites. A CheatSheet.feature file that lists out all the supported methods and how to invoke them using the @Given, @When, @Then, @But, @And, and other Cucumber-supported annotation.
Note: Java 11 required for plugin version 23.4
Key Features & Functionality
With Cucumber for Appian:
Hi Gina,
You can reuse your existing installation and replace the src and lib folders from the new zip you downloaded. This will update you to the latest version in the current spot you are using Cucumber. When you do this, you could rename the existing folder to lib_old and src_old for example to make a backup of your current setup in case you need to revert.
Hello, is there a way to get just the glue code and use that in our code? I downloaded the zip file and am hesitant to set it up the way the Playbook describes because I already have Cucumber set up on my computer and also the basic code that clicks through most of our Appian website, and I don't want any of the prior set up to get messed up because of that. However, I am interested in using the steps that are in the CheatSheet.feature such as "Given I click on card "CARD_LINK_NAME or CARD_LINK_NAME[INDEX]" to be able to add more tests on top of what we have, but am unsure of how to go about getting the code for it.
Hi Richard,
I changed my pom.xml file as suggested by you but getting build failure. Could you please assist on this.
Hi Venu,I had the same issue, try adding this lines to your pom.xml
Hi,I downloaded this application today and followed the instructions mentioned in Appian playbook. I am getting build error while running the "mvn clean test" command in command prompt. I have verified the mvn - Version, it is returning Maven information. Can you please help me to set up cucumber for appian.
I was trying to execute the cucumber tests through the Azure Devops Pipeline as a build step.
I was constantly getting the below error. Eventhough the driver was available in the correct path
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The driver executable does not exist: D:\a\1\s\GBPA\lib\drivers\chromedriver.exeat com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState(Preconditions.java:518)at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService.checkExecutable(DriverService.java:136)at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService.findExecutable(DriverService.java:131)at org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverService.access$000(ChromeDriverService.java:32)at org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverService$Builder.findDefaultExecutable(ChromeDriverService.java:137)at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService$Builder.build(DriverService.java:330)at org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverService.createDefaultService(ChromeDriverService.java:88)at org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver.<init>(ChromeDriver.java:158)at com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture.BaseFixture.setupWithBrowser(BaseFixture.java:172)at com.appiancorp.ps.cucumber.fixtures.CucumberBaseFixture.setupWithBrowser(CucumberBaseFixture.java:19)
You can use JUnit for Appian (https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/junit-for-appian). That has all of our Appian Fitnesse Fixtures. You can include those methods inside of your step definition