Test your Appian application within minutes with methods created specifically to operate within Appian applications and Tempo!
Common test case scenarios can be created for reusability throughout test suites. A CheatSheet.feature file that lists out all the supported methods and how to invoke them using the @Given, @When, @Then, @But, @And, and other Cucumber-supported annotation.
Note: Java 11 required for plugin version 23.4
Key Features & Functionality
With Cucumber for Appian:
Hi Arjunv91,
Sorry for the late reply. I think this is because the (1) part needs to be escaped as well. You will need to escape the open and closing parenthesis just like how you escape the backward slash.
Please feel free to reach out if you have more questions.
Do you have plans to migrate the cucumber lib to the latest version?
Could someone look at the link above and help me on the issue I am facing for cucumber framework.
is it like Cucumber for Appian just works with Chrome till version 66 ?? Can we use it for latest chrome versions as well?
we are trying to upload a file using Gherkin language
Given I populate field type "FILE_UPLOAD" named "Document Upload" with "C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktodb1_file(1).docx"
However it throws error.
1. should we upload files in specific folder and mention the name?
2. Which folder should we upload specifically in Cucumber Home?
Hi, we are running our test suite on a Ubuntu server through Jenkins. We need to run the test headless because there is no GUI to launch the browser. Is there a way to do this. From what I can see, there is not. If not, if we add a Boolean to the custom.config and a check to the BaseFixture.setupWithBrowser to set ChromeOptions to --headless, can we submit this back to you as an enhancement so we do not have to make this change every time a new version is released?
This is excellent! Already incorporating this into our testing procedures
Hi kyliel0001, I have just verified that you can use the verification on field on an edible grid's validation errors. Your grid needs to have a title in order for FitNesse to locate the grid on Appian.For this example, you should be able to use this line of code to verify the above validation error:I verify field "Products" contains validation message;or I verify field "Products" contains validation message "This is an editable grid validation message"
Hi Sanchita,
Thank You for the link. However this is not enough. How do I use this library to use Remote WebDriver. I want to use this on a grid. Can you provide me with an example to override the current driver defined?
ayanb0001 luzjuc0001 Please take a look at the Appian Playbook link below for more information.