This version is for Appian 23.2 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 23.1 and lower version in the folder pre-23.2
Convert, merge and generate DOCX, PDF and XML files automatically in an Appian process
Key Features & Functionality
Function: xsltransform - Transform source XML using XSL Transform
We are using PDF FROM MULTIPLE DOCX (no FONTS) smart service which worked well in version - 1.8.5. After updating to the latest version- 1.8.8, we are facing this error - "org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.Docx4JException: Exception exporting package", for the same document, which worked properly in version -1.8.5. Could you please help us with this issue?
Hi, have you seen any update to this problem? Because we are seeing it in versione 1.9.1