Dynamic Document Generator


This version is for Appian 23.2 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 23.1 and lower version in the folder pre-23.2

Convert, merge and generate DOCX, PDF and XML files automatically in an Appian process

Key Features & Functionality

  • PDF from single DOCX with Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results.
  • PDF from DOCX without Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results. This will not support fonts.
  • PDF from XSL-FO Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to XSL-FO which is then converted to PDF
  • PDF from HTML
    • Converts an HTML document into a single page PDF.
  • PDF from HTML Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to HTML which is then converted to PDF
  • Text Doc from XSLT
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to a plain text document (such as HTML, another XML doc, etc).
  • DOCX from XHTML With Styling
    • Converts a valid XHTML file into a DOCX, allowing you to provide your own template file for style reference. Useful for creating dynamic documents that are editable
  • DOCX Merge
    • Merges one or more DOCX files together. If a header or footer exists in any document, they will be removed during the merge process.
    • A configurable separator can be specified: none, line break or page break

Function: xsltransform - Transform source XML using XSL Transform

  • Hello there. While using PDF from HTML, we are facing following issue in one of the environment (it is working fine for lower environment):

    Error Message: bundleName for SmartServiceException, builder.smartServiceClass=class com.appiancorp.ps.xmlfo.ss.AbstractDocumentGeneration

    Analysing logs gave further information as below:

    ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=4xxxxx8, classname=com.appiancorp.ps.xmlfo.ss.PdfFromHtml

    java.lang.NullPointerException: bundleName for SmartServiceException, builder.smartServiceClass=class com.appiancorp.ps.xmlfo.ss.AbstractDocumentGeneration

    Looked into the security aspect and all seems to be fine. Any assistance here is much appreciated. 


  • Were there any lines in the stack trace where the error occurred?  This null pointer exception seems to have occurred while processing another exception, so it might not be the true issue.

    If you include the entire stacktrace here it would help.

  • Any luck with this ? It is a blocker now for our code to be deployed to Prod

  • Changed the pauseonerror to False, the process model didn't stop at the node and NO DOCUMENT generated as PDF. Do find the log entry as below:

    2021-01-28 09:49:07,513 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.xmlfo.ss.AbstractDocumentGeneration - java.lang.NullPointerException

  • Changed the pauseonerror to False, the process model didn't stop at the node and NO DOCUMENT generated as PDF. Do find the log entry as below:

    2021-01-28 09:49:07,513 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.xmlfo.ss.AbstractDocumentGeneration - java.lang.NullPointerException

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