Dynamic Document Generator


This version is for Appian 23.2 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 23.1 and lower version in the folder pre-23.2

Convert, merge and generate DOCX, PDF and XML files automatically in an Appian process

Key Features & Functionality

  • PDF from single DOCX with Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results.
  • PDF from DOCX without Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results. This will not support fonts.
  • PDF from XSL-FO Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to XSL-FO which is then converted to PDF
  • PDF from HTML
    • Converts an HTML document into a single page PDF.
  • PDF from HTML Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to HTML which is then converted to PDF
  • Text Doc from XSLT
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to a plain text document (such as HTML, another XML doc, etc).
  • DOCX from XHTML With Styling
    • Converts a valid XHTML file into a DOCX, allowing you to provide your own template file for style reference. Useful for creating dynamic documents that are editable
  • DOCX Merge
    • Merges one or more DOCX files together. If a header or footer exists in any document, they will be removed during the merge process.
    • A configurable separator can be specified: none, line break or page break

Function: xsltransform - Transform source XML using XSL Transform

  • Hello Team,

    We are facing issue with pdf from html smart service in Appian version 22.3

    Getting error as "java.lang.NullPointerException". Can you please guide on same

  • Hi,
    In the Appian version 22.3, The smart service PDF FROM MULTIPLE DOCX (NO FONTS) is not working. 
    We are facing this error - Plugin Error org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.NotOfficeXmlFileException: No valid entries or contents found, this is not a valid OOXML (Office Open XML) file

    Is there anything we can try out?

  • Hello, On using PDF FROM MULTIPLE DOCX (NO FONTS) and PDF FROM SINGLE DOCX (WITH FONTS) smart services which worked well in version - 1.8.5. After updating to the latest version- 2.0.0, we are facing this error - "org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.Docx4JException: Exception exporting package", which worked in version -1.8.5. 

    Could you please help us with this issue?

  • Hello, we're attempting to use the "Word Doc from Template" Smart Service on a Merged document, but the smart service only replaces the placeholder from the first document that was merged.

    For example if we have 3 docs with placeholders, merge them, then run the Word Doc from Template Smart Service the output document will only have the placeholders in the content from the first document replaced in the final merged version. We've checked all of the formatting of the placeholders and everything looks correct.

    Any idea what might be causing this?

  • If Apache FOP is running in a so-called "headless" environment then SVG rendering will fail.  That is the problem I bet.

  • Hello, I try to use  "PDF from HTML" smart service ,but it crop the html data in PDF, And doesn't show all table as photo 

    Can help me please?

  • Release Notes - v2.0.0
    • Updated EML to PDF smart service to support the jakarta mail library introduced in Appian 22.3. This smart service will not work on pre 22.3 with this version of the plugin. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 22.2 and lower version by downloading from the app market.
  • Hello, per Appian Technical Support, the 22.3 Upgrade may impact custom plug-ins that use javax.mail. After doing a quick scan it appears that this plug-in does use this library.

    Will an updated version of this plugin be provided to address this issue?

  • Hi, Has anyone been able to resolve the issue with Arabic fonts not working? If so, can you please share the resolution?

  • I've run apache fop 2.5 locally against my xsl-fo and xml and I get my pdf with an embedded svg image but using the same xsl-fo and xml using Appian and this plugin results in a generic java error "An error occurred in executing an Activity Class."  When will this bug be fixed so we can host svg embedded images?

    Also, is there a way to configure fop to not use strict-validation?