End-User Reporting


Allows end users of the platform to construct their own grids, charts, and dashboards.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Quick setup of data catalog based on existing record types
  • Front end construction of the follow types: grid, pie charts, bar charts, column chart, line chart, KPI, and more!
  • Front end configuration of dashboards to combine multiple charts into a single page with page filters
  • Dashboards and reports can be individually shared with Users and Groups
  • End user documentation

Note: Appian provides self-service analytics capabilities where end users can explore enterprise data and build their own custom reports. Before downloading this utility, refer to Appian Documentation to see if you can use the available self-service analytics capabilities.

  • Hi,

    Installed and attempting to import my first record type package and then configuriing record type for available fields and filters.   When clicking the save button receive this error.   Any thoughts if I did something wrong in stall or did I hit a bug?

    Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 925d0:c9f92] in rule 'ah_configurerecordtype' (called by rule 'ah_configurerecordtypes') at function a!buttonWidget [line 967]: An error occurred while executing a save: Expression evaluation error in rule 'ah_generateexpression' at function a!forEach [line 7]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function 'isnull' parameter 1 [line 81]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'isMultiple' of type Text into type AH_RecordField



  • Please try the newest version, this is an issue with 2.0.1.

    If you'd rather fix it, simply delete this line from AH_GenerateExpression: 

           "      isMultiple: " & if(isnull(fv!item.isMultiple), false, fv!item.isMultiple) & "," & char(10) & 
  • That issue is going to be fixed in the next version.  If you want to fix it manually as it might be a week or so before the new version is up here the fix is to update:




    in AH_GenerateExpression

    As for what you are after, it does sound like a custom formatter - all of the documentation for this should be available in the Documentation tab (Question Mark icon).  

    Do you have a reference table where with a M:1 relationship against the main record type and instead use the value in the reference table rather than displaying what sounds like the foreign key?

  • That issue is going to be fixed in the next version.  If you want to fix it manually as it might be a week or so before the new version is up here the fix is to update:




    in AH_GenerateExpression

    As for what you are after, it does sound like a custom formatter - all of the documentation for this should be available in the Documentation tab (Question Mark icon).  

    Do you have a reference table where with a M:1 relationship against the main record type and instead use the value in the reference table rather than displaying what sounds like the foreign key?

No Data