End-User Reporting


Allows end users of the platform to construct their own grids, charts, and dashboards.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Quick setup of data catalog based on existing record types
  • Front end construction of the follow types: grid, pie charts, bar charts, column chart, line chart, KPI, and more!
  • Front end configuration of dashboards to combine multiple charts into a single page with page filters
  • Dashboards and reports can be individually shared with Users and Groups
  • End user documentation

Note: Appian provides self-service analytics capabilities where end users can explore enterprise data and build their own custom reports. Before downloading this utility, refer to Appian Documentation to see if you can use the available self-service analytics capabilities.

  • Hello, 

    reading the attached documentation, the application seems to have a dependency on plug-ins that are either deprecated e.g. Dictionary Manipulation, or superseded e.g. Content Tools v 1.6 (current version 1.8.1).

    Is the documentation up to date or is there a planned release that will remove deprecated plug ins and the dependency on superseded versions

  • Hello, 

    reading the attached documentation, the application seems to have a dependency on plug-ins that are either deprecated e.g. Dictionary Manipulation, or superseded e.g. Content Tools v 1.6 (current version 1.8.1).

    Is the documentation up to date or is there a planned release that will remove deprecated plug ins and the dependency on superseded versions

  • You can always use newer versions of the plugins. In the case with Content tools you can use any version except for 1.7.2 which has a bug that will effect the app.

    As for dictionary manipulation, I may update it in the future. Although deprecated, this plugin will not be removed - the deprecation is simply because similar functions are now available out of the box.