End-User Reporting


Allows end users of the platform to construct their own grids, charts, and dashboards.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Quick setup of data catalog based on existing record types
  • Front end construction of the follow types: grid, pie charts, bar charts, column chart, line chart, KPI, and more!
  • Front end configuration of dashboards to combine multiple charts into a single page with page filters
  • Dashboards and reports can be individually shared with Users and Groups
  • End user documentation

Note: Appian provides self-service analytics capabilities where end users can explore enterprise data and build their own custom reports. Before downloading this utility, refer to Appian Documentation to see if you can use the available self-service analytics capabilities.

  • Following Plugins is not mentioned  in the PDF document which is the prerequisit to deploy this app :-

     Highcharts Component Combined Files 

  • Release Notes - v2.3.0
    New Features:
    • SQL Server ddls
    • Toggle for date interval range on reports
    • Record data preview on first step of report building
    • Export as CSV or Excel
    • Charts can now be combined with Bar, Column, or Line graphs
    • Image formatting on columns that contain document ids
    • User avatar formatting for user columns
    • Renamed application to end-user reporting (from ad-hoc reporting)

    Bug Fixes:
    • Process models published in all locales
    • Added validation on advanced filters to prevent invalid filter settings
    • Cross report drilldowns correctly calculating filters
    • Burndown chart errors
    • Faster updating on configuration screen
    • Error when deactivating field

  • No error and the record does display after we go to the record and manually sync.

  • Hmm, that's very odd - I haven't seen that issue before.  Are you seeing any errors in the process models and is the data store publishing correctly?

  • Hi Mike, I think you might had misunderstood out issue.  We are able to see our synced records on records and in reports.  But, when we create a report within the ad-hoc reporting app we can't see the report we created until we sync the Ad-hoc Report record in the ad-hoc reporting app.

  • Sounds like your synced record may not be taking advantage of the immediate sync that occurs when you use the Write to Datastore node: docs.appian.com/.../records-data-sync.html

    Are you perhaps creating this record using a stored procedure or import from CSV? If so the record won't immediately sync.

  • Hi Mike, First I want to say Kudos!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you so much!!! We owe you a pizza.  I saw the breakout session you did at Appian World and it came at the exact right time.

    Second, we are seeing an issue that the report or dashboard that is created cannot be seen in the interface until either the Record is synced manually or it is synced overnight during the scheduled sync.  That is alittle concerning when giving this to the users that are to create their own reports that they can't see the report until they ask us to sync the record for them or they have to wait until the next day.  We may be missing something so please let me know if that is the case.

    Again, thank you for creating this app.

  • The sql statements included in the release are specifically for mariadb.  One thing you could try is to publish the datastore and have it create the tables for you.

    In terms of what it does, it is for creating the primary key for the table and setting up foreign keys for indexing.  It is not a composite key.

  • Oracle does not allow the syntax in bold/italic below:
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ahcollaboration` (
    `collaborationid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `reportid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `dashboardid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `role` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
    `user` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
    `groupid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`collaborationid`),
    KEY `reportId` (`reportid`),
    KEY `dashboardId` (`dashboardid`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    So I am guessing we need to post the question, what is the purpose of that section? Is it to create a composite PK, which I assume is the case.
    The problem with that is when they try to add a foreign key on the dashboardid and reportid columns, it fails, because it doesn't see the PK fields as individual, but as a group. The error message I am getting when I try to add the foreign key is: ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list.
  • v2.2.1 Release Notes
    • Various 2.2.0 related bugs