Esri ArcGIS Map Connected System


Esri is the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping. This plug-in can be used with the Esri ArcGIS Component Plug-In to connect to common APIs and deliver embedded maps and visualizations into your applications. With this bi-directional integration, you can mark specific locations, measure distance and area, and provide directions using 2D or 3D maps and save this data to your application. You can also visualize your existing data on an Esri map and select those points for further analysis.

Note: The Esri ArcGIS Map Component plug-in is deployed separately from this plug-in. If you want to use this Connected System Plug-in, the corresponding Component Plug-In must also be deployed.

Pre-Requisites: An Esri subscription or trial, Esri ArcGIS Map Component

Key Features & Functionality

  • esriMapMarkerField:
    • Mark points, polygons, and lines based on the co-ordinates given via input fields or coordinates from Appian.
    • Mark the points, polygon and lines directly on the map and the coordinates of this graphics can be stored in Appian.
  • esriMapDirectionField:
    • Mark the points by clicking the map. The directions between these points are resolved and the details, including step-by-step directions, can be stored in Appian.