Excel Tools


Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included are:

  • Merge Excel Documents
  • Import CSV to Database
  • Import Excel to Database
  • Load CSV to Database
  • Convert HTML to CSV  
  • Convert Excel to CSV
  • Encrypt Excel with Password

Functions included are:

  • Read Excel File Paged
  • Read Excel Cell by Name
  • Read Excel Cell by Number
  • Query Appian Logs
  • Export Datasubset to Base64
  • Validate Document Headers
Parents Comment
  • while tried using the plugin version 2.7.7 on Appian 20.1 Cloud there were no issues reported on process model but on log found below error

    2020-06-02 08:09:22,051 [Appian Work Item - 4821 - execution00 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.smartservice.ImportCsvToDatabase5 - Unknown column 'ID' in 'field list'
    com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'ID' in 'field list'

    But the column ID exists on .csv file and Db table as first column.
No Data