Excel Tools


Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included are:

  • Merge Excel Documents
  • Import CSV to Database
  • Import Excel to Database
  • Load CSV to Database
  • Convert HTML to CSV  
  • Convert Excel to CSV
  • Encrypt Excel with Password

Functions included are:

  • Read Excel File Paged
  • Read Excel Cell by Name
  • Read Excel Cell by Number
  • Query Appian Logs
  • Export Datasubset to Base64
  • Validate Document Headers
  • hi all,

    has anyone come across the following error when attempting to import. the Smart Service is generating the exception : 

    ???Unknown column '' in 'field list'???

    We've checked the Excel sheet and it looks to be valid with no hidden characters etc.

  • hi all,

    has anyone come across the following error when attempting to import. the Smart Service is generating the exception : 

    ???Unknown column '' in 'field list'???

    We've checked the Excel sheet and it looks to be valid with no hidden characters etc.
