Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services included are:
Functions included are:
Hi All,
using 'Import CSV to Database' i need to add extra columns values into table that are not present in csv;
I can't add this extracolumns into csv file.
How i can import cvs fie into a table and add for each row additional information ?
In case i import the same csv file twice, i need to differenziare rows of first import from rows fron second import.
I note 'Import Excel to Database' have additional params as 'New Columns' 'New Columns values' , but i cant use it because i need to parse CSV file and not excel file
Best regards, Saverio
Hi, Did you ever find a solution to this? Facing the same issue.
Hi Dmitry Bocharnikov, so we are trying the same with New Columns: "PROCESS_ID","CREATED_BY" ,New Column Values: pp!id,pp!initiator, its only considering processId, but not created by, any solution to this( meaning considering only 1 parameter. Any solution to this please?
Hi Saverio, I'm preparing to release a version 2.2.10 that has functionality that you are requesting. You will be able to specify two new parameters - list of additional columns and list of additional values to add that data to each row that is imported.