Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services included are:
Functions included are:
Hi, I am using date format like "2020-08-12" or "2020-08-12 03:43:13" in "Import CSV to DB", but get the error message "Date Format must be one of the following 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'HH:mm:Ss'",
Can anybody help me out?
I am using the new plugin "Export SQL data to Excel" and am receiving the following error "Excel Plugin The following error was raised by the Export to Excel function: Attempting to write a row[1] in the range [0,32] that is already written to disk". is anyone else having this issue. I have two nodes the first works fine but errors on the second with the above
Hi All,
using 'Import CSV to Database' i need to add extra columns values into table that are not present in csv;
I can't add this extracolumns into csv file.
How i can import cvs fie into a table and add for each row additional information ?
In case i import the same csv file twice, i need to differenziare rows of first import from rows fron second import.
I note 'Import Excel to Database' have additional params as 'New Columns' 'New Columns values' , but i cant use it because i need to parse CSV file and not excel file
Best regards, Saverio
Is there any other way other than deleting the old version as this seems to manual change for us in 100s of process models and expressions.
One option could be check outdated dependents after the plugin is deployed with new version of Exportable Data Subset. But I haven't tried it and unsure if that will work. Any other suggestions on upgrading the plugin without deleting the older versions?
Thanks in advance,
Which format will it support to read date value?
In excel file I had given, 20-07-2020, when readexcelsheet() function, it returns "2020-07-20 00:00:00" (Year-Month-Date time)
For input 05-07-2020, it returns "05-07_2020"
It is behaving differently when date is greater than 12 and less than 12. Which is the correct format to give date in excel file?
Hi Bhargav Solanki,
We are using Appian Cloud Environment, So do we still need to delete ExportableDataSubset CDT?
Hi agustinc
We are facing the similar issue, how you have solved this problem?
Is there any known compatibility with non-MySQL databases?We have a postgres on-premise data store, but the 'Import CSV to Database' and 'Load CSV to Database' both throw some syntax related errors (.e.g. unrecognized ` character).
Thanks in advance!
Hi Bhargav Solanki
My CSV has a column of varchar2 type (in Databse) in which data is separated by pipe |, this data is not getting imported.