Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services included are:
Functions included are:
Can we update the ReadExcelFile function so we can pass paginationData? If I have large data sets in excel, I'd like to control how many rows I read at at time.
Hi - you can request permission from the author to update the plug-in using the AppMarket Submissions site: https://forum.appian.com/suite/sites/appmarket-submissions/page/home
There appear to be two unused arguments for the Import Excel To CSV smart service. Drilling into the plugin, it appears that ExcelHelperUtils.java::convertExcelToCSV does not use numberOfColumnsToReadInRow or rowNumberToReadFrom . It appears that implementation of either would be straightforward, given that they modify iterator start or exit conditions. Would it be possible to get this fixed in the next version of the Excel Tools plugin? Is there a way I can contribute these changes?
Hi April,
Yeah, I posted in discussion excel-generation-with-base-template also requested feature update in feature-request-update-the-export-data-store-entity-to-excel-smart-service-to-accept-an-excel-base-template
Thanks for your reply.
Hi Muthulakshmi - I'd suggest posting your question in Discussions as it will get more visibility there!
Hey All, Is there any smart service which have "Base Template" option, like we had in "Export CDT to excel". Requirement is excel generation with two pages. First page data comes from data store entity, where as second page is static information, which is fixed data. As the "Export Data Store Entity to Excel" not having base template, how to achieve this? Thanks in advance.
Yes, I've reproduced this issue just now as well. It appears that the queryAppianLogs() function doesn't actually support all of the parameters that are listed. Maybe Sanchita Gupta or Michael Chirlin have some insight into this issue.
*..when utilizing queryAppianLogs() with hasHeader=false. For instance:
queryAppianLogs( sqlStatement: "select * from login-audit", hasHeader: false)
returns a result set with the column name the same as the column value, not "COLUMN1,COLUMN2.." as defined. Is anyone else having this issue?
Hey all, we're on the latest version of the plugin (with Appian 19.1) and do not see correct results when utilizing queryAppian
Hi michael,quick question we are in the version of 2.0.2 and we found that the version now is 2.2.6 is there anything we need reconfigure the nodes after we do the upgrade to the latest version.