Fit Fam - Fitnesse for Appian Generator


Fit Fam is an Appian application that generates FitNesse scripts for your existing Appian interfaces. The framework allows you to add your Appian interfaces to the application, fill out the forms/interfaces directly in Appian, then receive the FitNesse script associated with the steps you took. That script can then be used directly in FitNesse for Appian to run automated tests. The guide included in the download details the steps for installation and using the application.

**Now updated to support 18.2 components such as the card layout as well as some additional enhancements.

Key Features & Functionality

The Quick Add Panel now supports:

  • Buttons that exist outside of a button layout
  • Rich Text links
  • Card links


  • I've downloaded the utility and see that it comes with XSD code for the application to use the FFM_FitNesseGenerator, FFM_REF_ComponentTypes and FFM_FitNesseScript tables.  Also, there's SQL to insert some rows into the FFM_REF_ComponentTypes table.  However, there's no SQL for table(s) creation in the download - so it's hard to tell what are the primary keys, foreign keys, sequences, etc.  Can someone provide the table creation code so that I can modify it for Oracle and evaluate the viability of this utility?

  • Just for more context - I cannot publish the data store without the tables already existing (due to the configuration of our Appian instance) - so if someone could extract the DDL script from a working installation that would be extremely helpful.

Comment Children
  • You can always download the DDL from the datastore.

    Created: 2022-12-20T09:31:59.255Z
    By: jb8411
    Appian Version: 22.3.535.0
    Target Database: Microsoft SQL Server 14.00.3238
    Database Driver: Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server

    /* UPDATE DDL */
    /* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
    alter table [FFM_FitnesseGenerator]
    drop constraint ffmfitnssscript_fitnssgnrtr;

    drop table [FFM_FitnesseGenerator];

    drop table [FFM_FitnesseScript];

    drop table [FFM_REF_ComponentTypes];

    create table [FFM_FitnesseGenerator] (
    [id] int identity not null,
    [fieldname] nvarchar(1000) null,
    [fieldvalue] nvarchar(4000) null,
    [gridcolumnnamenumber] nvarchar(1000) null,
    [gridrownumber] nvarchar(255) null,
    [output] nvarchar(4000) null,
    [displaytypename] nvarchar(255) null,
    [orderid] int null,
    [scriptid] int null,
    primary key ([id])

    create table [FFM_FitnesseScript] (
    [id] int identity not null,
    [title] nvarchar(255) null,
    [description] nvarchar(500) null,
    [modifiedon] datetime null,
    [modifiedby] nvarchar(255) null,
    [formname] nvarchar(255) null,
    primary key ([id])

    create table [FFM_REF_ComponentTypes] (
    [id] int identity not null,
    [datatypename] nvarchar(255) null,
    [islayouttype] tinyint null,
    [fitnessecode] nvarchar(255) null,
    [ruleid] int null,
    [layoutchildfield] nvarchar(255) null,
    [issupported] tinyint null,
    primary key ([id])

    alter table [FFM_FitnesseGenerator]
    add constraint ffmfitnssscript_fitnssgnrtr
    foreign key ([scriptid])
    references [FFM_FitnesseScript];