FitNesse for Appian


FitNesse for Appian is a client-side tool that makes it easy to create automated tests on the Appian platform. Create test scripts that will run Appian as if a user was clicking through the application and filling out data. FitNesse for Appian includes easy instructions to get you started.

Note: Java 11 required for plugin version 23.4

Key Features & Functionality

With FitNesse for Appian, you can:

  • Write easy-to-read wiki language tests for Appian applications
  • Speed up testing times
  • Set up reusable regression tests

Reusable scripts can be written to:

  • Create new packages
  • Move them to different stages in the workflow
  • Check that forms are being populated correctly
  • Hi,

    I am facing issue while clicking on record type. Below is the screenshot from script and log. Could you please help.

  • Hi! Thanks for using FitNesse for Appian and sorry that you are having this trouble. 

    When the script is running the click on record type command, do you see a record type named "automated testing records" on your UI?

    Based on your exception message, I see that you are using at least version 20.1 in FitNesse. Is your version of Appian 20.1 or older? The xpath to locate a record type has changed since version 20.1 release. If your version is older, please use the set appian version command to set it accordingly in your FitNesse Script. You can do so by:

    |set appian version to | <YOUR VERSION HERE> |. For example: |set appian version to | 19.4 |

    You can also verify if the xpath is correct by opening the record list on a browser, and then open the developers console window. You can use shortcut F12 if you are on Chrome.

    Paste in the xpath from your exception message and wrap them in $x("YOUR XPATH HERE"): 

    $x("//div[contains(@class, 'CardLayout---card_item') and descendant::a[ contains(@class, 'CardLayout---accessibilityhidden') and starts-with(translate(text(),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 'automated testing records')]]")

    And then hit "enter"

    If it doesn't return anything, it means the xpath can not locate the record type for you. You should be able to see something like this:


    I hope this helps.

  • Hi Vincent, 

    I am not getting anything using the xpath, Below is the screenshot from chrome console. 

    I have given record name in small cases for testing purpose and also in log file they were shown in small cases even if I give with proper Appian Naming Standard.

  • Hi Vincent, 

    I am not getting anything using the xpath, Below is the screenshot from chrome console. 

    I have given record name in small cases for testing purpose and also in log file they were shown in small cases even if I give with proper Appian Naming Standard.

No Data