Generate Chart Image


Allows users to generate images for charts created in Appian which can be used in Emails, PDFs, and more!

Key Features & Functionality

  • generatepie()
  • generatebar()
  • generatebubble()
  • generatetimeseries()
  • generatexyline()

Smart Services:

  • Pie Chart to Image
  • Bar Chart to Image
  • Bubble Chart to Image
  • TimeSeries Chart to Image
  • XYLine Chart to Image
  • Do you have any examples for using this plugin? Is this used inside a save, a link? how is are the functions executed. The pdf that comes with it does not provide clear information and it seems to be wrong too. All functions in the document have a label field which doesn't exist in the actual functions. The data in the plugin also claims to have a legends field which doesn't actually come up when I try type it up within the function. 

  • Do you have any examples for using this plugin? Is this used inside a save, a link? how is are the functions executed. The pdf that comes with it does not provide clear information and it seems to be wrong too. All functions in the document have a label field which doesn't exist in the actual functions. The data in the plugin also claims to have a legends field which doesn't actually come up when I try type it up within the function. 
