Google Maps Component Plugin provides support for displaying interactive maps, directions, and markers in a SAIL interface.
can you change the different pin colors when using fn!fn!googleMapsDisplayField. I'm pinning multiple locations on the map and it would be great if I can make them different colors
I am a beginner in Appian, I am trying to integrate google maps to mark teh locations of all people stored in the record. I get the error
Can you please help.
Hi Josh, I am getting same error from the browser when loading the interface... Is there any Google Maps function parameters I should additionally configure or change?Did you resolve that issue?Thank you so much,
I am having issues with the fn!googleMapsDisplayField- the other functions seem to be performing fine but ii am getting a not found error for directions.
We recently received an email from Google regarding the Maps JavaScript API and upcoming changes to the support for certain Content Security Policy configurations. This API is being used within this plugin and appears to access the Maps JavaScript API in a way that will no longer be supported as of May 2023. To avoid a disruption in service, a change is needed to specify googleapis.com in the allow-list of the Content Security Policy. As this is something that would impact other clients using this policy, is this a change that you (the author) can make prior to the May 2023 deadline?
Has anyone been able to get the zip code?