Google Maps Component


Google Maps Component Plugin provides support for displaying interactive maps, directions, and markers in a SAIL interface.


Key Features & Functionality
  • fn!googleMapsDisplayField
    • Displays a map centered on a specific latitude and longitude, with an optional pre-set list of custom markers. When a user clicks on a marker, the metadata is returned via a SaveInto.
    • Optionally allows the user to pan, use street view, and zoom.
  • fn!googleMapsDirectionsField
    • Displays map directions between 2 or more points.
    • It can automatically sort the waypoints to calculate the optimal route between the origin and destination. When the directions are computed, step-by-step directions, trip distance, and time are returned via a SaveInto.
    • Optionally displays current traffic conditions as an overlay, and exposes route options such as avoiding highways, ferries, or tolls. Also able to display custom markers.
  • fn!googleMapsPinField
    • Displays a map where a user can drop and reposition a marker.
    • When no marker is selected a default map center position can be set and used.
  • Good day!  We want to us this address validation but cannot seem to get the Zip Code pulling through.  From the Google API, it looks like there is the capability to pull through the postal/code or zip code of the address; but it is not showing up in the return.  

    From my research, it appears that there are some options to enable:

    the (regions) type collection instructs the Places service to return any result matching the following types:

    • locality
    • sublocality
    • postal_code
    • country
    • administrative_area_level_1
    • administrative_area_level_2

    How can we get the addin to pull back the postal_code?

  • Good day!  We want to us this address validation but cannot seem to get the Zip Code pulling through.  From the Google API, it looks like there is the capability to pull through the postal/code or zip code of the address; but it is not showing up in the return.  

    From my research, it appears that there are some options to enable:

    the (regions) type collection instructs the Places service to return any result matching the following types:

    • locality
    • sublocality
    • postal_code
    • country
    • administrative_area_level_1
    • administrative_area_level_2

    How can we get the addin to pull back the postal_code?
