An editable grid that easily display up to 5,000 rows of editable record data at a time, without needing pagination or experiencing lag. Data is displayed in a flexible and modern interface, equipped with features such as drag & drop columns, column sorting and filtering, manually adjustable column sizes, freezable columns, and many others.
End user abilities include:
Key Features & Functionality
Riyaz Ahmad Ganaie Hi Riyaz! The direct editing of related record fields is not possible from Grid+ due to potential cascading effects within the data fabric. Soon there will be a new configuration to support record view links in the grid cells. As an alternative solution, you could configure this related record field to link to the related record view where record actions are accessible. Hope this is helpful.
Thanks for the explanation, I believe I understand what you are trying to do.I'm not sure this is possible since the grid currently only reevaluates from changes made to the data from the UI and not from external changes (e.g. SAIL updates) made to the data.There are a few potential feature enhancements that could enable this logic. I'll take this as feedback and update you if/when this is made possible in future versions of Grid+. In the meantime, I believe you could write the updated local!data somewhere persisting (like in a record or a file) and manually refresh the grid to view changes to isActive.Sorry for any inconvenience! Let me know if you have other questions.
Thanks. It is working now.
Hi Alex King ,I am facing an issue in writing related records.Suppose I have a record A which is mapped to record B.I want to update the columns of B record also from grid itself, however the related fields are in read-only mode, despite of setting readOnly parameter false.Can we achieve above functionality?
Hi Alex King please have look at the below code:
a!localVariables( local!changes: {}, local!data: { a!map( id: 1, registeredOn: todate("1/1/2024"), name: "shahid", isActive: false ), a!map( id: 2, registeredOn: todate("2/11/2024"), name: "ankit", isActive: false ), a!map( id: 3, registeredOn: todate("5/14/2024"), name: "shahid", isActive: false ), a!map( id: 4, registeredOn: todate("12/11/2024"), name: "ankit", isActive: false ) }, { gridPlusLayout( label: "Grid+ Layout", labelPosition: "ABOVE", validations: {}, height: "AUTO", rowsValue: local!data, rowsSaveInto: { a!save( local!data,a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: a!update(fv!item,"isActive",true)) ) }, primaryKeyFieldName: "id", columnConfigs: { textcolconfig( field: "id", title: "ID", relationshipName: null, validator: null, readOnly: true, colWidth: 30 ), checkboxcolconfig( field: "isActive", label: "", labelPosition: "BEFORE", checkedTemplate: true, uncheckedTemplate: false, title: "Is Active", relationshipName: null, validator: null, readOnly: true, colWidth: 50 ), textcolconfig( field: "name", title: "Name", relationshipName: null, validator: null, readOnly: false, colWidth: 100 ), datecolconfig( field: "registeredOn", dateFormat: null, correctFormat: false, title: "Date", relationshipName: null, validator: null, readOnly: true, colWidth: 100 ) }, changeDataValue: local!changes, changeDataSaveInto: local!changes, /*deleteDataValue: local!deletions,*/ /*deleteDataSaveInto: local!deletions,*/ readOnly: null, rowHeaders: true, hiddenFields: null, showPrimaryKey: true ) } )
now if you change value for Name column you will see local!data isActive proprty value will become true for all items. But on UI the check boxes are not updating.Hope you got my point
Hello Shahid! There will be a new feature soon to support record links. Is this what you had in mind or are you hoping for something more like Appian's safeLink SAIL component?
Hi Shahid!Do the queried values in columns B, C, and D depend on the queried value of A? For example, column A is a field containing an ID of a related record (like a foreign key) and B, C, and D are fields of that related record?
Ankit Tewari Hi Ankit! Looks like you are missing the colWidth parameter in your checkboxcolconfig(). Sorry for any confusion, this new parameter is part of a new feature in version 2 that was released about a month ago. Let me know if that doesn't resolve the error please.
Hi Alex King i am facing one issue, suppose we have 4 columns on grid A,B,C & D.
my expectations: when i am updating values for column A, i want to change values for B,C & D too. But it is not happening on UI.
Data source variable value is changing because i've written code to update values for B,C & D in rowsSaveInto.