Version 1.0.0 - Accepts inline and internal styles and also adds images in the PDF if they are publicly hosted. Based on content, multiple pages will be created in the PDF. The Smart Service will accept HTML files with properly closed tags including <br> and <img> tags otherwise the node will be errored out.
Version 2.0.0 - Everything with Version 1.0.0 and ability to generate PDF from HTML with landscape orientation.
Key Features & Functionality
The plug in is compliant to the OpenHTML2PDF standard. So, your HTML code has to be also, otherwise it is not working.For examples you can look here: Appian rocksFor testing you can check here: OpenHTML2PDF
We have an HTML file we are trying to convert into PDF. Sometimes the css styling is pulled in, and sometimes it is not (for example, it looks different in different browser types). What version of HTML is this plug in expecting? Has anyone else seen something like this happening?
Hi juergeng0002,
The feature will be added in the upcoming release.Regards,Snehasri S.
It was mentioned: adding an Appian image into the HTML file is not supported in this plugin. Will add this requirement to backlog.
This was already requested by another user - adding an Appian image to the html text.
Is there any chance to get to know, if this feature is planned for the next release?Thanks
Hello,I am facing an issue in retaining the structure of html in pdf, can anyone help me in this regard.
Screenshot - PDF
Why the 3-column layout is not getting rendered in pdf?
Hi luciachen,
I tested a similar input file with the updated plugin and it worked fine. Could you kindly forward the input HTML Document to the "team.int.swatcustomdev@wns.com" email address for further analysis?
Regards,Snehasri S.
Hi carolinen0002,
Thanks for reaching out!!
We tried reproducing the issue, but it was working fine. Could you kindly forward the input HTML Document to the "team.int.swatcustomdev@wns.com" email address for further analysis?
Hello Vuram team,We are experiencing an issue with the text <img> appearing in place of an image when the html is converted to a pdf. You can see an example int he image below:
Previously the image would appear or not appear if no image should be shown, now this is showing up whether or not an image should be in that location and our code has not changed since we updated the plugin.
Any insight you have would be appreciated, thanks!