IMPORTANT: Select component plug-ins are experiencing issues due to a recent browser update. If you encounter any problems with previously functional component plug-ins, please create a support case. If you notice other component plug-ins that are not functioning correctly, please create additional support cases for each instance.
Image annotation can be used in a variety of use cases such as:
Key Features & Functionality
This Component Plug-in comes with the following components:
I am having problems with the image urls because certain images are working perfectly but others don't.
This works:
These does not work:
Both are jpeg and I have no clue what I am missing. Does it have something to do with the response headers??
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Alejandro,
I did a quick check and it seems the content of URL is blocked because of CORS policy. Please see the attached image -
Sure, we can connect offline.
Thanks for the quick answer. ¿Are you planning to support Appian images? ¿Can we talk about this offline?