Interface Library


WNS-Vuram's Interface Library powered by Appian's low-code capabilities helps you seamlessly integrate sophisticated user interface components and design patterns, effortlessly enhancing your application's appearance and functionality. Unleash the potential of pre-built elements to expedite your design and development journey, all while ensuring a consistent, user-friendly experience that is bound to leave a lasting impression. Step confidently into the future of app development and revolutionize your UI/UX landscape.

Here are some challenges/problems that the solution solves:

  • Quality and Customization Trade-off
    • Depending solely on pre-built components might limit the ability to customize the user experience or functionality to meet unique project requirements.
  • Compatibility and Integration Issues
    • Integrating these components seamlessly into larger projects might lead to compatibility issues, impacting overall application stability and performance.
  • Limited Scalability
    • As the project scales, the reliance on a limited set of pre-built components might hinder the ability to create truly diverse and innovative features, potentially stifling growth.
  • Visual Uniformity
    • Relying heavily on recognizable components can lead to a lack of design originality, potentially resulting in a generic or unexciting user interface.

Key Features & Functionality

Ready-to-use Components:

  • Within the Interface Library, an extensive array of pre-assembled user interface components is available, enabling swift integration into any Appian application.


  • The readily available UI components offer remarkable adaptability, empowering developers with boundless flexibility to finely adjust the components to fulfill specific requirements.


  • These components can be employed across various Appian projects, diminishing the necessity for starting designs anew and accelerating the development process.

Uniform Design Patterns:

  • The Interface Library presents a consistent assortment of design patterns that developers can use throughout the project, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly encounter.

Simplified Incorporation:

  • Effortless integration of these components into any Appian application minimizes the time and energy otherwise consumed in constructing UI/UX elements from the ground up.

Responsive and User-Centric Designs:

  • The pre-constructed UI components are meticulously crafted to function seamlessly across diverse devices, encompassing desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Benefits & Business Impact


  • Using pre-built components can save time and resources.
  • Accelerating go-live through pre-built components.
  • Reusing or building upon existing components makes scalability easier.
  • Pre-built components have a high degree of user familiarity, reducing the learning curve.