IP Address Utilities


Allows Appian applications to validate, convert and perform calculations with IPv4 addresses and CIDR blocks.

Calculation functions

  • minimumipv4inrange(): Returns the minimum IPv4 address included in a given CIDR block range.
  • maximumipv4inrange(): Returns the maximum IPv4 address included in a given CIDR block range.
  • isipv4inrange(): Checks whether an IPv4 address is in the provided range.

Conversion functions

  • convertipv4todecimal(): Converts an IPv4 address string to a number consistent with the INET_ATON implementation in technologies such as MySQL and C++.
  • convertdecimaltoipv4(): Converts a number to an IPv4 address string consistent with the INET_NTOA implementation in technologies such as MySQL and C++.
  • ipv4rangetocidrblocks(): Returns the minimal list of CIDR blocks that cover the range between provided start and end IP addresses.

Validation functions

  • isvalidipv4address(): Validates whether the provided string is a valid IPv4 address or address range.
  • isprivatenetworkipv4(): Validates whether the provided IPv4 address is in a known RFC 1918 private IPv4 address range (,, or
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