
Generate and validate JSON web tokens for use in integrating and authenticating with external systems, using a JWKS registry to get public keys for token signature validation

Key Features & Functionality

  • createtoken (Function) - create a signed JSON web token with standard claims.
  • createtokenwithcustomclaims (Function) - create a signed JSON web token with standard claims and additional custom claims that may be required for authentication with specific systems.
  • validatejwtsignature (Function) - Verify a received token against the issuing system's public key. Returns true if token was verified.
  • decodeJWT (Function) - Given a JWKS registry URL and a token, retrieve the proper public key and validate the given token returning an string with the decoded token if signature is valid, null otherwise.
  • createDocuSignRSAJWTToken (Function) - Generates a JWT that conforms to the specs of DocuSign.

  • v1.4.7 Release Notes
    1. Adding iat to createtoken and createtokenwithcustomclaims
    2. Remove iss and aud when null


    If upgrading from 1.4.4 or below and using the claims parameter with createtokenwithcustomclaims, you will need to refactor the usage. Version 1.4.5 added a new parameter "ver" before the "claims" parameter and functions use parameters in the order they are referenced.

  • v1.4.7 Release Notes
    1. Adding iat to createtoken and createtokenwithcustomclaims
    2. Remove iss and aud when null


    If upgrading from 1.4.4 or below and using the claims parameter with createtokenwithcustomclaims, you will need to refactor the usage. Version 1.4.5 added a new parameter "ver" before the "claims" parameter and functions use parameters in the order they are referenced.

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