Kafka Tools


KafkaTools provides the following functionality that allows publishing to and consuming from topics on Kafka Servers.

Smart Services

  • Publish To Kafka
  • Consume From Kafka

In order to process the messages consumed from Kafka, it is recommended to use the Transaction Manager application. The models designed to process messages will be configured an assigned through the transaction manager job types. See documentation for Transaction Manager

Key Features & Functionality

Please refer to the README for additional details.

  • Hi,

    We are considering using this plug-in with a client and we have seen that the smart service Consume from Kafka does not return information about the recovered messages and it's necessary to use the Transaction manager application.

    Is there a way to retrieve and process the events from Kafka directly without the Transaction manager application? Has anyone tried something similar?

    Thanks in advance

  • Given the implementation of this plugin, "consume from Kafka" smart service will be save the events in a DDBB table "tm_job_transaction". Yo can try to create the same table from yourself with the same structure that "tm_job_transaction" table. I think its works too

  • Given the implementation of this plugin, "consume from Kafka" smart service will be save the events in a DDBB table "tm_job_transaction". Yo can try to create the same table from yourself with the same structure that "tm_job_transaction" table. I think its works too

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