JSON Tools


Given a huge JSON to process and store in the database, this plug-in avoids using a long string in the process model and improves performances and memory usage. The big JSON can then be stored in a document and the document passed to the plug-in through a process instance.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services:

  • Load JSON to a database
  • Cast a JSON Array document to CSV document


  • Validate a JSON
  • Validate a JSON against a schema
  • Remap a JSON
  • Filter a within a JSON
  • Hi Team,

    could you please help us in Load JSON to  database configuration, there is no documentation so we tried to understand by looking into code but we observed parameters are different in SS configuration and the code.

  • Hi Team,

    could you please help us in Load JSON to  database configuration, there is no documentation so we tried to understand by looking into code but we observed parameters are different in SS configuration and the code.

No Data