MSGraph Email Poller


Need to poll emails from your Exchange server? This smart service can be used in a poller process and extract the data from the Microsoft Exchange server. Messages are stored in the Appian Document System, as well as the attachments. Meta data is stored in a database table for further processing.

This plug-in provides an alternative to sending emails to an Appian process model when inbound email integration is requested. Instead of the email being forwarded to Appian, this plug-in reads the emails directly from the Exchange mailbox using the MS Graph API as described below:

  • Reads the mailbox using the MS Graph API
  • Convert the email to an EML file stored as an Appian document; Item attachments (calendar invites, messages) are kept in the eml file, File attachments removed from it and stored separately in the document management system.
  • Store all email file attachments as separate Appian documents
  • Store all email metadata (subject, author, recipients, etc...) into a set of tables in the database

Key Features & Functionality

All information how to deploy, configure and use the smart service is in the 'MS Graph Mail Poller.pdf' document in the downloaded zip. Extract the files in the ZIP and follow the instructions in the document.

  • Hi, 

    We are replacing the IMAP Mail Poller with MS Graph Poller, Appian version is 22.4 and plugin version is 4.0.3. 

    Secret value, Application ID and Tenant link is entered correctly but after clicking on test connection I am getting connection failed error.

    Format  of tenant URL is

    I tried various diff tenant URL formats to check if it working or not.

    After that I just triggered a sample process model which has smart service, I can see below error in log.

    2023-02-17 03:18:23,087 [Appian Work Item - 2 - WorkID 3 - execution02 - process 2097152 - model 3 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancs.msgraphmail.MSGraphMailPollerSmartServiceV1 - This version of the mailpoller cannot work with the latest MS Graph APIs, use the latest smartservice

    I checked this issue with Appian support, they said everything looks good in Appian third party credentials, also suggested  me to post my query over here. 

    Can someone guide me in this case.



  • Hi, 

    We are replacing the IMAP Mail Poller with MS Graph Poller, Appian version is 22.4 and plugin version is 4.0.3. 

    Secret value, Application ID and Tenant link is entered correctly but after clicking on test connection I am getting connection failed error.

    Format  of tenant URL is

    I tried various diff tenant URL formats to check if it working or not.

    After that I just triggered a sample process model which has smart service, I can see below error in log.

    2023-02-17 03:18:23,087 [Appian Work Item - 2 - WorkID 3 - execution02 - process 2097152 - model 3 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancs.msgraphmail.MSGraphMailPollerSmartServiceV1 - This version of the mailpoller cannot work with the latest MS Graph APIs, use the latest smartservice

    I checked this issue with Appian support, they said everything looks good in Appian third party credentials, also suggested  me to post my query over here. 

    Can someone guide me in this case.



  • What would be the correct format of the tenant? ---------> tenant id + -------------------------tenant domain

  • What would be the correct format of the tenant?

  • My issue is resolved we found that 3 columns was missing and we added that.

  • Thanks Raymond, Connection issue is resolved now.

    Now, I am getting wile write response back to database. 

    Invalid column name 'DOC_ID_NO_ATT' but I don't have column with this name.

    2023-02-21 04:54:56,274 [Appian Work Item - 11 - WorkID 5 - execution02 - process 2097154 - model 6 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancs.msgraphmail.MSGraphDBHandler - Error writing mail to database Invalid column name 'DOC_ID_NO_ATT'.

    Below is script of tables :

    create table "APP_MAIL_POLLER_DOC" (
    "APP_MAIL_POLLER_DOC_ID" number(10,0) not null,
    "APP_MAIL_POLLER_ID" number(10,0),
    "ELT" number(10,0),
    "DOC_IDX" number(10,0),
    "SYS_DATE" timestamp,
    primary key ("APP_MAIL_POLLER_DOC_ID")

    create table "APP_MAIL_POLLER" (
    "APP_MAIL_POLLER_ID" number(10,0) not null,
    "FROM_EMAIL" varchar2(2000 char),
    "FROM_NAME" varchar2(2000 char),
    "SUBJECT" varchar2(700 char),
    "TO_EMAILS" varchar2(2000 char),
    "TO_NAMES" varchar2(2000 char),
    "CC_EMAILS" varchar2(2000 char),
    "CC_NAMES" varchar2(2000 char),
    "BCC_EMAILS" varchar2(2000 char),
    "BCC_NAMES" varchar2(2000 char),
    "IN_REPLY_TO" varchar2(2000 char),
    "MESSAGE_ID" varchar2(500 char),
    "STATUS" varchar2(255 char),
    "DOC_ID" number(10,0),
    "RECEIVED_DATE" timestamp,
    "SYS_DATE" timestamp,
    "IMPORTANCE" varchar2(32 char),
    primary key ("APP_MAIL_POLLER_ID")

  • Hi Bushan,

    In version 4 and later, the tenant no longer has the full URL, but just the tenant ID, i.e. something like <CLIENT_TENANT_NAME>

    As for seeing the deprecated smart service: That implies you are using an old version of the smart service. You will need to drag the smartservice from the pallet again and copy the data from it. A lot has changed in the implementation of the smart service, therefore these older versions are deprecated

    Hope this helps.