Need to poll emails from your Exchange server? This smart service can be used in a poller process and extract the data from the Microsoft Exchange server. Messages are stored in the Appian Document System, as well as the attachments. Meta data is stored in a database table for further processing.
This plug-in provides an alternative to sending emails to an Appian process model when inbound email integration is requested. Instead of the email being forwarded to Appian, this plug-in reads the emails directly from the Exchange mailbox using the MS Graph API as described below:
Key Features & Functionality
All information how to deploy, configure and use the smart service is in the 'MS Graph Mail Poller.pdf' document in the downloaded zip. Extract the files in the ZIP and follow the instructions in the document.
Hi, I'm trying to configure the pulgin and I have followed the steps in the documentation also added the log4j to debug and I'm getting below error:
2021-08-09 18:35:18,140 [Appian Work Item - 493 - execution02 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] DEBUG com.appiancorp.ps.msgraphmail.MSGraphMailPollerSmartService - Connecting to MS Graph authentication provider2021-08-09 18:35:18,146 [Appian Work Item - 493 - execution02 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.msgraphmail.MSGraphMailPollerSmartService - Unexpected error polling for mailjava.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException Has someone got this same error, that could help to troubleshoot?
I was able to make use of this plugin today, I had to use the tenant which is "">login.microsoftonline.com/.../" where XXX can be found on Domain on the home page when you click on the settings in portal.azure.com
Secret need to be defined when setting up the app in azure active directory, and its the Value field not the Secret ID field.
Hope once those things are resolved, you should be able to connect.
Patrick/Ambrishs - could you please provide Azure setup documentation if you have. Thank you so much