People Functions


Contains a collection of user and group related Functions and Smart Services as detailed below.

Please note that this plugin contains functions that were previously included in the Group Functions plugin and the User and Group Management Application plug-in.

IMPORTANT: Prior to deploying v1.9 or the latest version of the People Functions plugin, please un-deploy the Group Plugins function and the User And Group Management Application plugin if they are present on your environment.

Deprecated functions and smart service are now included out of the box.

Key Features & Functionality


  • getgroupbyname
  • getgroupnames
  • getgrouptypename
  • getgroupsoftype
  • getgroupsoftypefromlist
  • getmembergroups
  • getmembergroupsoftype
  • getModifiedUsersByTimestamp
  • getParentsOfGroups
  • getUsersLastPasswordChange
  • retrieveusersecurityrolemap
  • validateEmailAddress
  • getUsersByUUID
  • getGroupTypeAttributes

Smart Services:

  • Add People As Group Admins
  • Unlock User
  • The functions are not missing, they are deprecated and replaced by OOTB functions introduced in 18.4. The existing places where the functions are referenced should continue to work but you should use OOTB functions for all new development.

    Regarding the error, I am not sure how to tie this back to the plugin. Do you have a stack trace from the logs that would help pinning this issue down?

  • The System Has Encountered an Error HTTP Code: 500 APNX-1-4198-019 An Error Has Occurred Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = CZHWMV0I] at function a!adminRouter: An error occurred while executing a save: java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = 'D'

  • We have upgraded our Appian cloud to version 19. Now the plugin seems to be not working. Some functions are no longer available (missing basically). When we tried redeploying the plugin, we get the following error message:

  • Hello i forgot  un-deploy the Group Plugins function and the User And Group Management Application plugin.but the people plugin failed to deploy.i am seeing the weird scenerio some of the groupmanagement functios are not working now.What was the resolution for this type of situation

    Thank you!



  • Hi, we tried to upgrade from version 1.8 to 1.9.1 and it's not working.

    2018-11-22 12:22:24,375 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO  com.appiancorp.plugins.AppianPluginManager - Updating plugin 'psshared.peoplefunctions' to 'psshared.peoplefunctions'

    2018-11-22 12:22:24,528 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO  com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Successfully un-installed Plug-in 'People Functions' (psshared.peoplefunctions) version 1.8.

    2018-11-22 12:22:24,531 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO  com.appiancorp.plugins.loaders.UnloadingDirectoryPluginLoader - Removed plugin psshared.peoplefunctions

    2018-11-22 12:22:26,250 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager - There was an error loading the descriptor 'DoesGroupExist' of plugin 'psshared.peoplefunctions'. Disabling.


    2018-11-22 12:22:26,290 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'People Functions' (psshared.peoplefunctions) version 1.9.1: 'The following function(s) are already registered in the system: doesgroupexist (APNX-1-4104-000)'

    2018-11-22 12:27:03,906 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO  com.appiancorp.plugins.osgi.AppianOsgiPlugin - Successfully un-installed Plug-in 'People Functions' (psshared.peoplefunctions) version 1.9.1.

  • Release Notes for v1.9.1 (09 Nov 18)

    * Update version of email validation library to improve matching

  • Hi, having followed the guide above where to un-deploy all existing group plugins and user & group management plugins prior to deploying peoplefunction v1.9, we still encountered issue.

    even though the v1.9 deployed successfully, it later on dis-able itself due to existing registered function called groupprofilerecordtypesource . But this function is not listed as one of the function in this peoplefunction v1.9.

    Can you please confirm if groupprofilerecordtypesource  is included in this 1.9 version?

    below is error message from the server

    (ServerService Thread Pool -- 78) 2018-10-03 09:52nager.DefaultPluginManager - There was an error loading the descriptor 'Groupprofilerecordtypesource' of plugin 'psshared.peoplefunctions'. Disabling.

    (ServerService Thread Pool -- 78) 2018-10-03 09:52LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'People Functions' (psshared.peoplefunctions) version 1.9: 'The following function(s) are already registered in the system: groupprofilerecordtypesource (APNX-1-4104-000)'

  • Looks like this plugin is still referencing deprecated API.

    People Functions (psshared.peoplefunctions) references deprecated Appian APIs

    [deprecated] com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.ServiceLocator.getUserProfileService(

  • - The download version has been corrected on the AppMarket.  It should be v1.9 now.  

  • Hi, downloaded plugin version shows psshared.peoplefunctions-1.8. Is this correct?

    Link below shows plugins version as psshared.peoplefunctions-1.9.jar