Process Display Functions


When utilized with the companion Process Display Component allows designers to configure UIs that display process status on the process model itself to end users.

Key Features & Functionality

Provides one function:

  • getProcessForDisplayData - that given a process id returns a JSON representation of that process model and state for use with the companion displayProcess component provided by the Process Display Component
  • I am also getting this error: ""Expression evaluation error at function 'getprocessdatafordisplay"

    It seems to happen most times on process models that are more then a week old. However I have had it work on really old process models as well - not many but a few.
    This plugin is well liked and I would really like to see this issue resolved.

  • I am also getting this error: ""Expression evaluation error at function 'getprocessdatafordisplay"

    It seems to happen most times on process models that are more then a week old. However I have had it work on really old process models as well - not many but a few.
    This plugin is well liked and I would really like to see this issue resolved.

No Data