Process History


This Plug-in contains a function, getProcessHistoryInfo(), which exposes process history details for a given process id. It returns a ProcessHistoryInfo CDT which contains process information along with a HistoryData CDT array that contains the history details.

  • Hi, in relation to the output of the function, in the List of "List of ProcessHistoryRow" for each row there is actionTypeId. For example, the actionTypeId is equal to 8 if the instance is paused, or is equal to 6 if it has been started. I have noticed that if changes are made to the instance (even if it is simply saved and a new version is created) the actionTypeId equals 25 (though there are no details about the activity, though).

    Is it correct to consider that the actionTypeId equals 25 means that the instance has been modified?

  • Hi, in relation to the output of the function, in the List of "List of ProcessHistoryRow" for each row there is actionTypeId. For example, the actionTypeId is equal to 8 if the instance is paused, or is equal to 6 if it has been started. I have noticed that if changes are made to the instance (even if it is simply saved and a new version is created) the actionTypeId equals 25 (though there are no details about the activity, though).

    Is it correct to consider that the actionTypeId equals 25 means that the instance has been modified?

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