Process Management Services


Contains smart services to allow processes to manage other processes, manage node activity, upgrade process version and update locales.

Example use cases:

  • Orchestrate process removal and archival within your application (e.g. synchronize the deletion/archival of subprocesses and related processes)
  • Bulk delete testing processes that are no longer needed
  • Cancel a process (or many) from another process without using messaging or MNI
  • Set the status of a process to Cancelled for reporting purposes
  • Orchestrate node activity
  • Override or make additions to the security role-map of a list of process instances.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included:

  • Find Archive Processes
  • Delete Processes
  • Cancel Processes
  • Pause Processes
  • Resume Processes
  • Archive Processes
  • Unarchive Processes
  • Find Archived Processes
  • Start All Nodes
  • Restart All Nodes
  • Cancel All Nodes
  • Update Security For Processes
  • Upgrade Processes
  • Upgrade Processes From Version
  • Change Model Locale

All the Smart Services must run in a context with Administrator rights and return a result code indicating whether or not the operation was successful.

  • Documentation inregards to usage of this Plug in is Missing can any one help with this ?Support

  • Hi Alvaro,

    We are upgrading our platforms to New Appian version 20.1. Can we expect an updated version of this plugin to support on Latest Version of Appian as It shows Compatible Version(s): 7.10+, 18.4


  • Hi Nafis,

    This Smart Service is using the unarchiveProcesses method of the ProcessExecutionService interface, which is documented in the Appian Java API docs.

    These numbers are values from the ResultList class that correspond to ResultList.CODE_VALID (1) if the action succeeded, or ResultList.CODE_INVALID (-1) if the specified process does not exist. The values for this constant list can be seen here.

  • Hi , we are also facing the same issue, in health check it is showing the plugin as high risk of using due to some deprecated API , But still functioning, But how do you conclude  it as false positives as high risk.

  • Hi Team, 

    Do we have any documentation to refer to ?

    I am trying to use Unarchive Processes smart service and getting result as 1. What does 1 stands for ? Also, I cant see the process getting un-archived. 

    For some cases, I am getting result as -1. What is -1  ? 

    Thanks & Regards,

    Nafis Khan

  • Update: The Appian Health Check report was reporting back false positives as high risk. Please ignore my original message.

  • We are using this plug-in, and in Appian health check report it's flagged as high risk because it's referencing the removed/deprecated Appian APIs. So, will there be an update that will address these issues?

  • Trying to install this plug in.  It doesn't open or install.  Can anyone give me some guidance on why it won't install?

  • Hi   are you able to shed any light on this issue. Looks like an issue with converting the Process ID to an Integer due to ".l" extension.

  • I have received an error using the Find Archived Processes Smart Service, my process model is using this based on a date loop to determine the archived processes from a particular start date. This seems to be working for most iterations however on certain dates it returns the following error.

    Is this a known issue? I'm using Appian 19.3 and Process Management Services v2.2.3 

    2019-09-20 11:18:49,508 [Appian Work Item - 238 - execution00 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=52384,
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "268468406.l"
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(