Process Management Services


Contains smart services to allow processes to manage other processes, manage node activity, upgrade process version and update locales.

Example use cases:

  • Orchestrate process removal and archival within your application (e.g. synchronize the deletion/archival of subprocesses and related processes)
  • Bulk delete testing processes that are no longer needed
  • Cancel a process (or many) from another process without using messaging or MNI
  • Set the status of a process to Cancelled for reporting purposes
  • Orchestrate node activity
  • Override or make additions to the security role-map of a list of process instances.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included:

  • Find Archive Processes
  • Delete Processes
  • Cancel Processes
  • Pause Processes
  • Resume Processes
  • Archive Processes
  • Unarchive Processes
  • Find Archived Processes
  • Start All Nodes
  • Restart All Nodes
  • Cancel All Nodes
  • Update Security For Processes
  • Upgrade Processes
  • Upgrade Processes From Version
  • Change Model Locale

All the Smart Services must run in a context with Administrator rights and return a result code indicating whether or not the operation was successful.

  • Hi Anu.  The last update that was provided on this plug-in was pre 19.2 however most plug-ins work with newer versions of Appian.  I recommend you post a question with the details of the issue you are facing in the Discussions area.  

  • Hi, I wanted to know if this service is compatible with 19.2 . I am trying to use delete process but it doesn't seems to be working . Please help!!

  • Hi Alvaro,

    Just wanted to confirm the latest plugin version (2.2.3) is working on our cloud installation on 19.1, thanks for the update


  • Hi Alvaro,

    I have deployed the latest version (2.2.3) of this plugin to Appian cloud 18.4.  The deployment was successful.  However, it always returns -1 value after I pass the process ID in "Unarchive Processes" or "Unarchive Processes v2".  Would you please confirm if it is working to your end?


  • Hello.

    It should not be issues deploying on cloud.

    I have tested (18.4) and I have been able to deploy correctly.

    Please, could you tell me more context about the issue? For example:

    Do you have previous versions of the plugin installed or not?

    Have you done the deployment using the administration console?


  • Is the latest version supported via cloud plugin deployment? Attempted to deploy on 18.4.

    However, it fails prompting message:

    'Plug-in failed to deploy'

  • Hi unable to deploy if I try to it simply says the plugin failed to deploy 18.4 Cloud.  It also says it will redeploy the application even though no version exists.

  • Hello, A new version has been released. This version should be compatible with 18.3 and 18.4 and working correctly. Thanks.

  • Hi Eduardo/Alvaro,

    We were able to get results from the Find Archived Processes using the latest plugin version on Appian 18.2 but it seems once we upgraded to 18.3 the plugin stopped working. It used to run for a fairly long time (20-30 mins) so you could tell it was processing data in the background but after upgrading the smart service completes instantly and returns no results. Wondering if you guys could have a look to see if changes in 18.3 impacted the functionality? We found this plugin very helpful and it helped avoid us opening support tickets with appian cloud support.



  • Hi Eduardo,

    we installed Process Management Utilities (v2.2.0)  plugin in cloud. I created a process model to unarchive some processes. I tried to use "Find Archived Processes by Date & PM UUID v2", but it returned nothing.

    How I configured was: giving input "Arvhive Date" (eg, 08/01/2018) and "Process Model Uuid" (eg, "0022df77-ba11-9000-f92f-8f0000014e7a".

    Could you help me with this issue please?

    Thanks for your help.