Read QR from PDF


This smart service can be used to read QR code(s) present in a PDF document.

Key Features & Functionality



  • Source Document (Document) - Document to be scanned.
  • Are Coordinates Available (Boolean) - Can be set true if the location of the QR code is known
  • X Coordinates (Number integer) - Starting X coordinate point of the QR in 300 DPI A4 page
  • Y Coordinates (Number integer) - Starting Y coordinate point of the QR in 300 DPI A4 page
  • QR Size (Number integer) - Size of the QR in 300 DPI A4 page


  • Error Message (Text) - Provides the error message if any error occurred.
  • Error Occurred (Boolean) - Set to true if any error has occurred.
  • Result (Text) - Provides the result message.


  • Supports only A4 size PDF documents.
  • X Coordinates, Y Coordinates and QR Size inputs are required when Are Coordinates Available value is set to true.