The Rich Text Editor Component can be used on Appian interfaces where you want to show the rich text information in readable format to the end user. We can use the component to show it as an email subject typing interface.
With this component you can add images, customize tables etc. This also has a functionality called placeholders using which you can use the same information in multiple items in the editor without retyping.Additionally it allows uploading of images which get stored in the specified Appian folder (requires separate install of the Rich Text Editor Connected System Plug-in).
Key Features & Functionality
I am using this component as a data field in my document generation.At times, when I'm entering value on the field, the typing cursor jumps to the beginning while I am typing.
I thought it was because of refreshing variables or rule input, but When I conducted a test with just the component saving on a plain local variable. It still jumped.
What do you think causes this?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you and regards,