SAIL Dialogs


Dialogs allow a user to quickly view supplementary details as an overlay and then return to the primary UI. This is particularly useful if the user has made selections or entered data into the primary UI which they wish not to lose by navigating away.

SAIL Dialogs is part of the Appian App Accelerators (A3) suite.

The SAIL Dialogs application gives you the ability to drop links into your UIs which open a dialog. The SAIL interface rendered in the dialog is of your choosing. The link itself will be provide dynamic inputs to the dialog interface based on the context of the link.

Using the framework is 2 simple steps:

  1. Register the interface rule you want to show in the dialog. Do this in the A3_D_dialogRegistration rule (see screenshot).
  2. Use the A3_D_dialogLink rule to add dialog links in your UIs (see screenshot).
  • Max Harper, you are right; there are some errors in import.log :

    Problemi (1):
    processModel 0000e504-e427-8000-c431-7f0000014e7a "": Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione di processModel [uuid=0000e504-e427-8000-c431-7f0000014e7a]: com.appiancorp.process.validation.ValidationException: Process Model is not valid. (APNX-1-4071-007)
    Problemi concatenati (3):
    recordType 0dc1e5f0-33fd-49bf-afda-4527c86a9a03 "A3_D Supporting Record Type": Impossibile importare recordType [ID= UUID=0dc1e5f0-33fd-49bf-afda-4527c86a9a03] perché manca un precedente obbligatorio: Impossibile trovare processModel [UUID=0000e504-e427-8000-c431-7f0000014e7a location=Azioni correlate ["view"] > Modello di processo dell’azione correlata]. (APNX-1-4070-001) (APNX-1-4071-006)
    content _a-0000e4fe-525e-8000-9c32-011c48011c48_23969849 "A3_D_dialogLink": Impossibile importare content [ID= UUID=_a-0000e4fe-525e-8000-9c32-011c48011c48_23969849] perché manca un precedente obbligatorio: Impossibile trovare recordType [UUID=0dc1e5f0-33fd-49bf-afda-4527c86a9a03 location=Definizione interfaccia]. (APNX-1-4070-001) (APNX-1-4071-006)
    content _a-0000e52c-8121-8000-9c39-011c48011c48_24237536 "A3_D_demoInterface": Impossibile importare content [ID= UUID=_a-0000e52c-8121-8000-9c39-011c48011c48_24237536] perché manca un precedente obbligatorio: Impossibile trovare content [UUID=_a-0000e4fe-525e-8000-9c32-011c48011c48_23969849 location=Definizione interfaccia]. (APNX-1-4070-001) (APNX-1-4071-006)

  • that's odd, I'm sorry to hear it didn't just work. I did test before sending to you. Here's what I see after importing the zip into a fresh 21.2 GA site:

    You see the application and most of the contents, just not the A3_D_dialogLink rule?

    Were there any errors in the import log?

  • Hi ,

    very thank,  i have successfully installed the application of zip file ;  but there is a little problem relative the absence of rule!A3_D_dialogLink; can you update zip application zip file ? 

    thanks, Saverio

  • please try this version of the application. Note it does not have the latest features such as dialog size. Those features require Appian 21.3.

    Appian Application Accelerators - Dialogs (A3_D).zip

  • previous versions of this application supported versions prior to 21.3. Newer features in this application necessitate 21.3. Let me look into this and get back to you with a version of the application which will work in your environment.

  • Hello,

    we are trying to import this package in our environment running Appian but we cannot do it because it was exported by an environment running Appian . Can you advice a procedure in order to get it done?

    Thank you.


  • v4 Release Notes
    • Clarified that SAIL Dialogs is a member of Appian App Accelerators.
  • are you referring to the Related Action feature on Record Types? Yes, that product capability is the best way to open a dialog to take action on data.

    This app is most useful for use cases where a user needs to view a dialog containing information not specific to a record. For example, I have seen this app used to show a dialog summarizing projects delivered by a specific team in a specific release. In that case, Team & Release are 2 separate Record Types. On a dashboard there are many Team-Release combinations shown, each with a dialog link to view more details about what projects were delivered by that team in that release.

  • Hi Michael,

    The supported sizes are SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE. The dialogLink rule will provide a friendly validation message with this guidance.

  • I also saw where you added dialog size support.  What sizes can I offer?  Are they set sizes to choose or custom?