SAIL for Sublime Text


The Appian SAIL for Sublime Text package provides Appian SAIL syntax support for Sublime Text 3 and provides a Appian Expression Editor inspired color scheme. The syntax supports all Appian Functions to provide code highlighting - perfect for code reviews or when writing SAIL without an internet connection.


  • Syntax support for Appian SAIL code in Sublime Text 3
  • Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3 that matches the Appian Expression Editor
  • Easily identify deprecated Appian functions by highlighting them


  1. Download the Appian SAIL for Sublime file and then unzip to folder.
  2. Navigate the to the "Packages" directory by selecting the menu bar, then Preferences -> Browse Packages...
  3. After the Windows Explorer/Finder Window opens, copy the unzipped folder to this location.


  1. After installation, quit and reopen Sublime Text.
  2. The syntax is available by selecting "Appian SAIL" from the bottom right corner, or by opening a file with the extensions .sail, .appian.
  3. Activate the color scheme by navigating to the menu bar then Preferences -> Color Scheme... and then search for "Appian Expression Editor".