Send/Cancel Meeting Request and Generate iCalendar


Send and cancel a meeting request (iCal/vCal event) and generate the iCal String so that it can be written to a file.

This version is for Appian 22.3 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 22.2 and lower version in the appmarket download file.

Key Features & Functionality

Contains three Smart Services that can

  • Generate an iCalendar String so that it can be written to a file
  • Send a Meeting Request (iCal/vCal event)
    • Returns the meeting unique identifier (uid) so that it can be used later to cancel the meeting request if needed
  • Cancel a Meeting Request (iCal/vCal event)
    • Given a uid returned by a previous execution of "Send Meeting Request", it allows you to cancel the meeting request and have it removed from the guests' calendar

A sample Appian application is included with the download of this Plug-in.  Release notes are also provided as part of the download package.

Parents Comment Children
  • We used "Blackduck" tool for vulnerability test of the plugin. 

  • The vulnerability issues we have are mentioned below. Please check and let me know what can be done on this 

    1) SendCancelMeetingRequestandGenerateiCalendar-4.3.5 (maven)
    Issue: Multiple PHP remote file inclusion vulnerabilities in Castor PHP Web Builder 1.1.1 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via the rootpath parameter in (1) lib/code.php, (2) lib/dbconnect.php, (3) lib/error.php, (4) lib/menu.php, and other unspecified files.  NOTE: the provenance of this information is unknown; the details are obtained from third party information.

    2) SendCancelMeetingRequestandGenerateiCalendar-4.3.5 (maven)
    Issue: The default configuration for the Xerces SAX Parser in Castor before 1.3.3 allows context-dependent attackers to conduct XML External Entity (XXE) attacks via a crafted XML document.

    waiting on your reply.