Contains multiple Smart Services for interacting with a remote file server via SFTP, FTP, or SCP. Using these services, an Appian application can be configured to send and receive files, folders, and metadata in a process. Features support for zlib compression.
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services included:
All smart services in the package use Secure Credentials Store.
Appian 24.4
SFTP Utilities 4.1.0
I am trying to connect with an SFTP server using a passphrase-protected private key.
The private Key contains the lines:
PuTTY-User-Key-File-3: ssh-rsa Encryption: aes256-cbc Comment: rsa-key-20240730 Public-Lines: 12 ... Key-Derivation: Argon2id Argon2-Memory: 8192 Argon2-Passes: 34 Argon2-Parallelism: 1 Argon2-Salt: 25ae650a118fe9de89eccbe43fc34e0f Private-Lines: 28 ...
I have configured the FT_Config to use an scsExternalSystemKey and reference the above private key file.
in the third party credentials I have included the fields "username" and "passphrase"
In the tomcat logs I'm receiving the error:
UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.plugins.filetransfer.sftp.ReceiveFileOverSFTP - com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: 'argon2' is required, but it is not available.
I have tried adding "argon2" as a field in the third party credentials, but same error occurs.
For anyone else getting the argon2 error, it is fixed by converting the private key file (in my case PuTTy format) into an OpenSSH file. I used PuttyGen for this.